Insanity (Literally)

JonoK Posts: 147 Member
What a crazy morning. My alarm went off at 4:45 and I was up at 5 to try my first workout with Sean T & his Insanity DVD's.

Summery: It was brutal.

Seriously, I spent 1/3 of the time trying not to throw up or pass out. He kept telling me to drink water, and I found that it was good for a few sips, but then when I really got jumping about and doing the crazy sets, then I started to feel sick. There was a time when I use to work out to a Jillian Micheal's DVD - and I use to eat in the morning before the workout, but that made me sick too. I could really use some suggestions for things that have worked well in your workout routines to help me cope. I realize that it's only been one session, but I want to be able to do the moves and push through without the constant worry that I'm going to have the dry heaves.

Also my legs - ouch. They're so tired. I think this week will be a great adventure as to how this is going to work. I plan to keep biking - so that will keep them working and warm through the day. Honestly, I can't wait to see results - I can't wait to watch my body change again. I took the 'Day 1' photo this morning: Not flattering. Excited for 60 days to pass and to take another.

Let me know what you do to cope with feeling sick through workouts. Your input and personal experiences are incredibly valuable!

Keep those peddles moving!


  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    In my experience, the only way to fight that "sick feeling" is to focus on how you'll feel when it's over. It's mind over matter for me. Maybe not for everyone, obviously, but that's me. Just find the balance of eating and drinking before/after/etc that works best for you with trial and error. My morning workouts...I can't eat before them. I always work out, cool down while I cook breakfast and then eat. Evening workouts I have to have something in my stomach at least an hour before a workout. Insanity's workouts are hard, as you know! So the first few, you will feel sick from pushing so hard. I know I did. But it did get better with time. The fact that you're already saying "Honestly, I can't wait to see results - I can't wait to watch my body change again." already shows that you have the right mindset to push it and keep going. Just ALWAYS remember that motivation and the "sick" feeling will go away. And of course, if you start to feel REALLY sick, like "something isn't right" sick, take a break. Don't push so hard that you hurt yourself :)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    First, congratulations on starting Insanity (literally :laugh:). I'm on my fourth week. I find that if I drink too much water during insanity it does make me feel like I want to throw up so I normally just sip a little. Also I try to eat maybe 1 hr or more before doing the workout and not any less because that also makes me feel a little sick. Hope that helps.
  • slovag01
    slovag01 Posts: 12 Member
    I just started INSANITY today and t he fit test felt like it kicked me in the *kitten*.. I also felt like I was going to the throw up in the middle of it. I am going to try and take your advice and eat a little something before workout.

    When it came to water, all i could do was sip on the water because if i couldn't even breath lol
  • aprilhelmreich
    aprilhelmreich Posts: 40 Member
    I am starting Week 2 and I can tell you it will get better! Sometiems I feel sick with water and I will not eat at all before I do this workout. I have my lunch at 12 and workout between 4 and 5 with no food intake cuz im afraid it will come back up (not my idea of a good time).

    My legs dont hurt nearly as bad now as they did last week. Once you do the recovery day your muscules will feel so much better!

    I love that so many people on here do this workout! Its funt o know we can actually accomplish something so rough!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Best thing is to not eat way before the workout, then just keep going. If you feel like you are going to heave you have to keep going or you'll never get past it. I didn't puke when I did Insanity but I have puked a couple of times doing Asylum. Its not nice but if you want to push yourself then its a possibility.

    You should be sore the first week or two, but it should get easier, time you finish that recovery week you should be floating again. I would try and do some extra stretching between the workouts to help with it. It is important to eat right to refuel your body so that it can repair itself, otherwise you'll go downhill slowly. Getting enough rest and sleep is also very important to aid your body while it is repairing itself.
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    Careful about eating. I work out at 5 am, so I don't have an hour to digest. Be sure you eat, take a rest period, then get into it. This morning was better because I sipped water - cutting back. Once I was done, I drank and then showered. Worked much better. I also used bare feet - which still hurt a bit, but not as much.
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    Best thing is to not eat way before the workout, then just keep going. If you feel like you are going to heave you have to keep going or you'll never get past it. I didn't puke when I did Insanity but I have puked a couple of times doing Asylum. Its not nice but if you want to push yourself then its a possibility.

    You should be sore the first week or two, but it should get easier, time you finish that recovery week you should be floating again. I would try and do some extra stretching between the workouts to help with it. It is important to eat right to refuel your body so that it can repair itself, otherwise you'll go downhill slowly. Getting enough rest and sleep is also very important to aid your body while it is repairing itself.

    Great insight. Thanks!
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    Ok, so I've done Insanity for a week and a half. I have been posting on my blog. Check it out: and let me know how I might improve or be encouraged!

    Thanks for sticking with me guys!
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    Thank you for sharing your experience. I plan to do Insanity in January, after I work up to it. Hang in there and just push through. You'll be glad you did. Shake off this bad day and know tomorrow will be better. :)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Ok, so I've done Insanity for a week and a half. I have been posting on my blog. Check it out: and let me know how I might improve or be encouraged!

    Thanks for sticking with me guys!

    Enjoyed reading your blog Jono. Insanity is tough, no doubt about that but trust me it will get better. I just finished month 1 and I can honestly say I feel stronger and I found that as time went on I didn't take as much breaks and I was able to keep up with the workouts and push myself harder. It will happen. Just keep at it. I wish you all the best on this insane journey.