

  • Have you thought of ordering a veggy pizza? There's a lot less grease and the calorie intake is usually a lot less. Jen
  • I know how you feel. I go to the pool and splash park as a family out ing quite regularly, because it's somthing that the whole family can do and it's fun and excersise as well. Try getting a bathing suit with the skirt, they tend to have a sliming effect. I used to just put a t-shirt over my bathing suit until I felt more…
    in Swimming Comment by jlrolland July 2010
  • Try adding yogurt and a light cheese to what you eat. I add yogurt to berries for breakfast, sunflower seeds and a light cheese to salads. Hope this helps. Jen
  • Hi, I'm Jen. I've never heard of this mls of water to kgs for how much water you should be drinking. Could you let me know what it is or where to find it? Thanks, Jen
  • You look great! Just starting out. Did you just watch what you ate and excercise? Did you diet a lot? Thanks, Jen