Work Lunch Meeting

TanMac Posts: 77
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Tomorrow is a big day. I am going out for a work lunch with my coworkers. We are going to a pizza/pasta restaurant (aarrrgghhhh)...I'm sure they will have some yummy salad for me to eat. I'm going crazy thinking about all the carbs that would be's going to be a hard day!!


  • healthygrl
    healthygrl Posts: 33 Member
    Are you able to pull up the restaurant's menu online before you go? I find this to be helpful because I usually look up the calories and decide what to have before I'm even hungry. Then when I'm at the restaurant I don't even look at the other options, so as to not be tempted.
    Be strong!
  • Have you thought of ordering a veggy pizza? There's a lot less grease and the calorie intake is usually a lot less. Jen
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Like Amanda said, if it's a larger chain restaurant you can check out the menu first online. If you order pizza you can order it with honey wheat crust and veggies on top.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Instead of going crazy denying yourself some yummy food, just have some. Give yourself a break! Going over on calories one day, even one or two days a week, won't affect your long term goals and will help keep you sane. Unless you plan on never eating pizza or pasta again there's no reason you can't have some once in a while.
  • I agree it is a good idea to plan what you will eat before you get there. I think if you decide what to order before you get there you will order with your mind. If you order when you get there you may be ordering with your stomach. Good luck!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Many restaurants will do something for you - grilled fish or chicken breast with that salad. Some even have low cal options for dressing. Have one half piece of pizza too :-)
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    It's a small menu UGH!!

    I will definetly do a salad and I'll change up my meal plan for tomorrow so I can have a slice of pizza!

    Thanks everyone!
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