

  • Very good work. Keep taking care of yourself you look great and must feel great too!!
  • I was diganosed a couple of years ago. Mine comes with high levels of stress and poor diet and exercise and goes with good diet and exercise (which controls my stress). Look at your blood type too, I am an O negitive with O's commonly known to have problems with thyroid levels. I follow the blood type diet for O's which is…
  • If you make sense and open yourself up to others you can meet your Mr or Mrs Right anywhere including MFP, even though it's not this sites purpose. But, if you talk goobley gook, act like a desperado and bag out MFP (which is basically all the members of this site) noone here will want to get to know you. Be yourself if…
  • Hi im 5'3 which is in the short range at 1290 a day i usual stick to that (and get more calories by exercising) and can eat quite alot with the right food choices. You really have to take you food back to basic's - no processed food (they contain all the calories in hidden fats & sugars). Check out some shorties food…
  • With only one week down your body will Plateau getting used to the change and will continue to do so through your whole weight lose journey. Be true to yourself and what you really want, and if that's playing with your daughter and being there when she grows up and living a healthy life. We werent created to live unhappy…
  • Go the chicken & vegetable stir fry with cashews. No rice on side. (it is filling enough, they usually serve good portions) or Thai Beef Salad which is yummo (it may sound like diet food but it a nice main meal) not sure of exact calories of these but type them into foods you should find them because they are common. Have…