Cindy103 Member


  • In the same boat as everyone else! Allowed myself to enjoy the holiday! :blushing: Actually, felt like crap by the weekend, since I had been a good little girl & have been eating right & watching the portions, so eating the calorie filled treats of Thanksgiving made me sick. :drinker: On top of all of this, I have been…
  • O-H-I-O!!! In a tri-state area (West Virginia, Ohio & Pennsylvania) Approx., 1 hr. south of Pittsburgh, PA home of the STEELERS!!!:bigsmile:
  • AMEN, to the ol starvation mode!!! I think everyone has fallen prey to that monster! Eat well & work out!!! Not rocket science is it?!
  • Looked over your diary, you need to add fruits & vegys!! Lay off the KFC & Burger King! Try to eat non-processed foods as natural state as you can! Do not fall into the drinking protein shakes as a replacement meal too often, trust me, you will get VERY hungry & fail! I use them as a snack just don't rely on for too many…
  • Agree with all about the unsweetned! I love it in my cereal, not real crazy about drinking it though! :drinker:
  • I think I had eaten a whole pint of Ben & Jerrys, a whole pack of Girl Scout Tagalongs & a whole bag of white cheddar cheese popcorn. I didn't eat all of these things at one sitting, but just thinking of some of the binges...ugh!!! :sad: I will get on a kick where I'm craving something & just eat different things until I…
  • I too need to lose 100 lbs. Last year I lost 45 lbs., but after much stress & drama in my life, I have gained 20 lbs. back!! Just started to exercise & "eat right" again! I must promise to think of myself, try to not let stress interfere & EXERCISE!!!!! :happy: I will be your friend, it sounds like we are in the same boat!