Faster Weightloss ?



  • checkmatekingtwo
    checkmatekingtwo Posts: 118 Member
    Oh, gosh. Everybody's talking about KFC - now I'm hungry! I haven't had KFC since I started my journey. Ooooh, sounds so good. But, no, I won't drive through tonight. I'll just dream of it.
  • fisherra76
    Well after looking at your food diary a few things jump out at me.
    #1) Eat breakfast!!!
    #2) Quit eating fast food. This is the most unhealthy thing you can do. There are plenty of fast options that you can pack with you.
    #3) You probably need to eat more calories.

    For weight loss I really like a south beach type diet. High protein low carb and then add back in healthy carbs. And you really should eat something within an hr of waking up and then every 2-3 hrs throughout the day.

    Are you exercising? If not you should be.

    I think if you make some adjustments you would do great.
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    Well after looking at your food diary a few things jump out at me.
    #1) Eat breakfast!!!
    #2) Quit eating fast food. This is the most unhealthy thing you can do. There are plenty of fast options that you can pack with you.
    #3) You probably need to eat more calories.


    I checked your diary and you consume way too much sodium and processed foods!
    Think about this: What would you eat if there was no KFC? No Burger King? Where would you go to get food? Your garden, and hunt animals. But luckily we live in a time where we don't need to garden or go hunting. We have people to do this. So where can you go now to get these same foods? Grocery stores! 90% of my diet is earth based foods. Sure i indulge in processed foods every so often, but it isn't a constant. Earth has given it's inhabitants the means to survive without mixing. You don't see candy trees! If it's been altered with it most likely isn't good for you. If you like chicken, buy chicken from the store and cook it yourself! Anything you want to buy at a restaurant you can eat at home, with less money spent! I only buy from the produce section ( fresh vegetables and fruit), and the meat department. I also buy canned/frozen vegetables if i need to, but not often. Unfortunately my family like their processed foods so they eat different then me, but that is their choice! I made my choice to eat better, and i'm glad i did!

    If you have an issue on lunches. I did before too. Now i make a HUGE pot of cabbage soup. I bring a tupperware bowl with me to work. You don't have to make it cabbage, but make it a vegetable soup! I add Stewed Tomatoes (less sodium one) and all the veggies i want! I also add pieces of chicken every once in awhile, or you can add beef. I don't add salt or anything to add sodium! Try it out! Fill 2/3 of the pot with water, and add the stewed tomatoes and rest of your things! A big pot usually lasts me 3-4 days, and it's so healthy!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Congratulations on that awesome weight loss of 1.5 pounds per week. I'm not getting that.

    I have to support the majority and suggest that you back away from the fast food. When you have time to cook, make extra for lunches.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Well after looking at your food diary a few things jump out at me.
    #1) Eat breakfast!!!
    #2) Quit eating fast food. This is the most unhealthy thing you can do. There are plenty of fast options that you can pack with you.
    #3) You probably need to eat more calories.

    For weight loss I really like a south beach type diet. High protein low carb and then add back in healthy carbs. And you really should eat something within an hr of waking up and then every 2-3 hrs throughout the day.

    Are you exercising? If not you should be.

    I think if you make some adjustments you would do great.

    Eating breakfast and eating every 2 hours will not help with weight loss, only satiety. While it's sound advice for those who enjoy frequent meals, it is not a requirement for weight loss.
  • anessandra
    anessandra Posts: 3 Member
    Water water water
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Add sodium to your macros (you can do this under Settings). With all of the fast food, you could be retaining water weight. Try to keep it under 2000 mg per day, and make sure you drink your eight cups of water so you can flush it out.

    Do you exercise? An hour-long walk is good for the mind, body, and soul. No need to get crazy at first. Just build up to it. I started with walking and then moved to DVDs. I probably won't do any weight training until I'm under 200. I just use hand weights for now. I'm trying to gradually sculpt the muscles and prevent loose skin. I'll go for ripped once I'm at goal weight. :)

    Some women have trouble losing more than 2 pounds per week due to various hormones, our cycles, etc. Even at 300+, the most I've ever lost in a week is 2.3 pounds. I'm happy with my little 1-2 pound losses, though. A loss is a loss. :)

    Try to avoid Quick Add calories if possible. Even if you went to a party and had lots of different foods, do your best to try and remember what you ate. I know it can be a pain to log everything, but it really is very important. Sometimes I take a picture of my plate with my phone so I can add everything when I get home.
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    1.5 is really great!
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    weight drops quickly at first then slows, you 1.5 is brilliant, if you lose it too fast you will be poorly and also saggy! ive done stupid crash diets losing a stone a month i ended up so poorly and did some permanent damage too. not worth it your doing well be proud of yourself and stay healthy x
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    It takes 9 months to have a baby. Any way to speed that up?

    I sure hope not!
  • suncam023
    suncam023 Posts: 2 Member
    When people are eating stuff like that around me, I ask if I can just smell it lol It makes me laugh and them too. It helps me cope lol
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    In your diary I see alot of fast food, you work into your calories so good for you.
    But you could eat alot more if you switched that out for lean meats, protein shakes, veggies and fruit. This switch could you give a little more boost in weight loss and give you more energy to workout (which also will help you shed a little more weight each week)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Agreed that 1.5 pounds a week is great.

    Is the 2,049 your maintenance calories or is that what MFP told you too eat to lose 1.5 pounds a week? You might be eating too little (I know how counterintuitive that sounds, but it really is true)

    I would cut the fast food some too or go for the grilled chicken instead of the fried. They are PACKED with Sodium which makes you retain water. Make sure you drink more to flush out that water weight. If you don't have a fridge at your work there is an awesome food container (by danskin maybe???) that is for salad. It has an ice pack divider thing in it and a little cup for your dressing. I LOVE mine, put some lettuce in there, and then cheese or chicken breast or whatever I'm in the mood for in the compartments then at lunch time it is still cool and "fresh" and I can put it all in there put the lid back on and shake. Voila tossed salad! :-)
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I'd eat more waaaaay more fiber.
    Also kick the fast food. The less you eat it the less you crave it. :happy:
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    i only just saw the fast food! fast food will make you feel crap over time, i cant exercise on junk food! if you are losing 1.5 eating crap you will prob lose more eating same cals and fat but better food, you will burn healthier food easier than junk x
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    It takes 9 months to have a baby. Any way to speed that up?

    Some people are just soooo cool :grumble:

    YOUR NOT EVEN BEING NEGATIVE. This is just some random rude comment. Too much time on your hands?
  • teletubbie87
    teletubbie87 Posts: 78 Member
    1.5lbs lost a week is an amazing progress, you want to stay on it and keep it that way. YOu really don't want to lose a huge amount of weight in little time because if that happens, all that weight will eventually come back very quick. Even 1pd a week may seem like a small progress but it's still a loss, and you want progress that will be long-term. Be proud of what you are doing and embrace that loss with a happy face, even 5pds a month, it will all get you to where you want to be.

    If you want to see if you can lose more, then you should add more cardio to your workouts. Good luck =)
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Your focus is misplaced for one. You should not be worried about fast weight loss, you should be worried about proper weight loss. Losing too much weight to fast can not only be dangerous, but you have a great chance of putting it back on. If you’re looking to make a lifestyle change you need to focus on doing it the right way.

    Currently, you’re not eating enough, and that 1.5 pound / week loss will soon come to a complete halt. This is what is known as starvation mode. Your metabolism will slow, and progress will revert if you are not only eating properly, but also not enough calories. I encourage you to checkout my Facebook page: Scroll down to my plateau video & matter of fact, check out everything there.

    Once you get your focus off the scale, and just do the RIGHT THING you will lose weight, guaranteed. Liberating myself from the scale was the best thing I’ve ever done & I’ve lost more weight because my focus isn’t on that number, it’s on building endurance, eating clean and doing things the right way. Good luck.

    P.S. in case you were curious, It took me a little over a year to lose this much weight, including four months of plateau (not losing any weight at all because I wasn’t eating enough!!)
  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member
    You won't need the psyllium husks if you ate more vegetables - they will also fill you up more.

    Quit the fast food, it's doing damage on the inside and well as the outside.
  • Cindy103
    Cindy103 Posts: 10 Member
    Looked over your diary, you need to add fruits & vegys!! Lay off the KFC & Burger King! Try to eat non-processed foods as natural state as you can! Do not fall into the drinking protein shakes as a replacement meal too often, trust me, you will get VERY hungry & fail! I use them as a snack just don't rely on for too many meal replacements.

    Also, try to exercise more! The more cardio the better!! Try to incorporate some weights also!

    Keep tracking your portions & amounts, time of day, etc. & you will be very pleased with your results!!:bigsmile: