

  • 5'4" here too and I have my starting measurements from Jan 1st 2013: Weight: 198lb Bust: 40 Waist: 38 Hips: 42 Thighs: 26 Upper Arms: 16 Current Measurements as of today: Weight: 166lbs Bust: 36 Waist: 33 Hips: 40 Thighs: 23 Upper Arms: 14 Goal Weight: 140lbs
  • Is there anyone posting pictures of any progress anywhere?
  • You're face REALLY shows it for sure! And even with the baggy close, you can see it in your shoulder area and midsection in some of the pics. Keep up your work. Plateau's are killer but you'll get over it. Add a but of heart pounding high intensity workouts 2-3x a week and you'll kick that plateau's butt :) I was stuck on…
  • I hope it means muscle too. I'm giving it another week and we'll see what the scale and measurements say
  • Ok I have a huge problem. I am day 9 and I have also been walking and doing 30 mins of my Gazelle every day. I am eating healthy as well. Issue...I am GAINING weight AND inches! And I don't mean a pound or two. I mean I went from 169 up to 176 in 9 days! WTH??
  • Level 1 Day 3 done. Still sore...hope it goes away in the next day or 2. Am finding it a lot easier than Day 1 though :)
  • Quads are in PAIN!!!!!!! Walking down the stairs feels horrid, but going up is fine lol. Loading up on Voltaren gel Today is day 3 on Level 1
  • weight 170 bust 38 waist 34 hips 41 thighs 24 arms 14
  • I did it differently back 2 years ago. 10 days of level 1 10 days of level 2 10 days of level 3 I didn't give myself any days off from it either. I was also doing a hard core military boot camp 2x a week, jogging every morning and doing strength training. But that was 2 years ago and my body has gone very downhill since…
  • Level 1 Day 2 is done lol A little painful today as I was sore from yesterday ( shoulder joints and hip due to RA ) but I will push on!
  • I started yesterday as well. I'm going to take pics today as I didn't get a chance yesterday. Bust:38 Chest:34 Waist at belly button:34 Hips:41 Thighs:23 Bicep:14 Weight:170lbs First day wasn't too bad, but doing the small amount of push ups nearly killed me as I have RA and it affects my shoulder joints quite badly. This…
  • We have approx the same body shape...and lots of tatts to match lol. But this is what I am hoping for, not caring as much about pounds as I am about inches/strength/tone. You look GREAT!
  • Post surgery for everyone is different. I was quite lucky on mine. I had a full abdominal 6 inch incision. I had already had 2 previous incisions along the same spot and one was a hip to hip c section. I expected a long and painful recovery. I was very pleasantly surprised. My surgery took place on a Fri around noon and I…
  • At my 2 week weigh in today I was disappointed that the scale had not budged, not even an ounce. But then I did my measurements and found I had lost 1.5 inches on my waist and 2 inches on my thighs. So win win for me.
  • The belt I had been wearing for about a year was finally able to be put 2! notches smaller over the course of a month :) I'm currently working on getting a whole new belt. I've lost 18lbs as of my last weigh in ( 2 weeks ago ) and tomorrow is my weigh in. I'm excited to see if I have lost. I have been working really hard…
  • I used to be on the NO SURGERY LOVE YOUR BODY bandwagon...then I had 4 babies. I have 1 angel baby ( vaginal ), 1 abducted child ( vaginal ) a 6 1/2 year old who was an emerg c section that was cut hip to hip and a 28 month old who was an all natural vaginal birth. I have also had numerous pelvic surgeries and a full…
  • FINALLY, someone with almost the exact body shape as myself! And the tattoos to boot. I have quite a few more lol Even your belly shape is like mine but I do have quite a bit more in the bra, which I would trade for yours any day. I started a bit heavier, at 189 and am now down to 169 ( though that was 2 weeks ago as my…
  • This got a giggle out of me. I say this all the time :) I'm at 23 tattoos and counting. My sleeve counts as one. Most of my upper body is covered. But no neck or face stuff lol
  • I have noticed that both you and I have posted a few times into this conversation and have been relatively ignored. Almost laughable considering the topic. Both of us as military personnel and WOMEN, and yet our comments get passed over.
  • My ticker is a pic of me at a time when I was really happy with myself and my life. I had recently gotten married, had a wonderful 2 year old and had found out I was expecting another child. I also was very happy with my body. I like to see that picture every day so I can strive to get back to it.
  • I remember the sleep issue...seemed like the first 6 months I was on it all I did was sleep. I don't even remember most of those 6 months :( What makes me really sad about that is that it was the first 6 months of my son's life. They had taken me off Gabapentin and put me on Topamax because of severe side effects.
  • I have been on Topamax for 5 years now for my epilepsy. The first year I noticed weight loss, though not dramatic in any way. Back in the summer my neurologist upped my dosage to 200mg x2day and I didn't eat for almost a week. All I did was drink. Even the smell of food made me want to vomit. I also wanted to sleep a lot…
  • And I will say THANK YOU :)
  • @ browneyed 29 and def beautiful :) You have gorgeous cheek bones hun. I am envious.
  • Oh how I love that! Compliment but WAY off :)
  • As a female ex Canadian RCAF I will put in my "two cents", but I'll keep it short and simple. Females on the front line are a reality here, I have seen it. Unfortunately, I have to agree on the statement that when a woman is front line, men are more susceptible to step in the help the female if injured/in need of help/etc…