"Yes, I am powerful. I am more powerful than my mind can even digest or understand." Beyonce
No. This is not the land of second chances.
Buuump! I love all things Korean!
exlax wrapped in a hershey's wrapper.
Boom boom, or so I've been told.
Hands down!
Thank you all so much! I do a fair bit of walking already in addition to 5 days on the elliptical, but I'm gonna step up the walks big time and take up swimming. Number one priority is to strengthen this core! Got a PT appointment for tomorrow at 7:30am, so hopefully this will be over sooner rather than later. Thanks again…
BUMP Anyone??? Please help!
You can definitely improve your ankle strength, as the previous poster said. But, also, you may want to opt for other exercises that have lower impact on your joints, like the elliptical. I have terrible ankles and knees, and although I do some running, I definitely do the bulk of my workout on the elliptical.
Yes, definitely go! I went to London and Paris by myself one year and had the best time ever; met lots of people, did whatever struck my fancy, I was definitely not short on company and I just loved it. But, I am pretty awesome, so hanging out with me is always fun even when it is just me. :laugh:
I look like a fetus and always have my ID ready.
sunbutter is genearlly allowed Bulk pack from amazon--
For a showstopper, I'd go with BCBG. Shop the sale pages.
Pounds, ounces, kilos, whatever. Lightness of shoes is key in the two varieties mentioned is what I was told.
I have to have them a certain way, otherwise, they're just not clean...
My podiatrist recommended Asics or New Balance and be sure they're under 4lbs.
Run for your life!
First--Poison/Warrant Last--Magic Numbers
Thank you!
No se. But check out the New Jersey group. There might be stuff on there.
this sounds delish! recipe anyone?
make this
definitely gonna try this soon!
You look fantastic! Congratulations.