madzdad Member


  • You know, I wondered the same thing for years. I finally checked out quite a few and had some intro sessions as well. Though my parks & rec I found a really good one that is only about $40/session. I have been working with him for several months with specific goals in mind. My weight has only recently began to drop as I…
  • You maintain your normal routine. Let them see that you are serious about changing your life. I doubt they are trying to sabotage you, but keep up the good work, it is worth these little challenged to win at the big ones!
    in HELP Comment by madzdad March 2015
  • Frankie goes to Hollywood's Relax, it works as a great walking pace. Though I might look a bit strange singing along to it!
  • I am as well, but work, time and perseverance is what it takes. I get many recipes from and weightwatchers. I don't always go as far as WW does (fat free everything) but they still have some really good ones.
  • All soda, with and without sugar. I've been reading about the studies in JAMA that show that most artificial sweeteners can still cause an insulin reaction that can have the body store fat anyway.
  • I think it does, but that there are different kinds. For example, I have a dear friend that I have known for 25 years, both of us at times have referred to the other as a soul mate, it was a deep and unabiding love we had for each other, but there was no romantic part to it. It is hard to explain, but we are two totally…
  • Absolutely will do. I have been watching that smoke cloud since yesterday from up her, it looks pretty rough in the foothills down south. Hopefully some calmer winds today will help.