cwinottawa Member


  • Hi there, I have really cut down on meat and animal products in general, and am always on the lookout for good vegan recipes. I recently discovered soba noodles, which are easy to make and to enjoy with plant based proteins.
  • I would go for chapatis, which are cooked without fat and are whole wheat, and take all other dishes in small quantities. Watch out for ghee laden sauces, and deep fried apps. Saag paneer is a favourite of mine, and any chick pea or dall dish. Good luck!
  • Fiber from plant foods could help you feel full. A huge salad with a reasonable quantiy of dressing is not too calorific but does make you feel full. All foods that contain lots of water and/or fiber will.
  • You could reduce the quantity of oats you use to 1/3 cup, and add some oat bran (1/4 cup). You'd be upping the fiber and lowering the calories a little. I just add a tsp of sugar or syrup on mine, insterad of fruit, which has more calories and sugar. For the milk, I use unsweetened almond milk which is lower cal than milk.…
  • I had the very same problem and this is what works for me. I eat 300-400 calories at breakfast, including a bowl of oatmeal which I make like this: 1/3 cup old fashion oats 1/4 cup oat bran salt 1 cup of water Microwave for 3 minutes. I add 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed and 1 tsp of sweetener (maple syrup in my case) and 1/3…
  • Here is my favourite kale recipe: You can make it with polenta as a meal, or without for a side dish. I usually add mushrooms.
  • I found this breat article on foods to avoid/alleviate gallstones:
  • I love to have papadums as a snack. They are a thin wafer made from lentils that you can either fry or dry cook in a microwave. It feels almost like eating chips, but with a lot less calories.
  • Hi there I use almond milk in the morning, for cereal and such. It's tasty though not as calorific as milk. I also eat muesli (the kind with no sugar or oil) or some kind of healthy breakfast cereal. Nature's Path Heritage Flakes is what I have at the moment.