Filling Quick Breakfast ideas?? Help!

I eat a bowl of cereal with fruit, oatmeal with fruit, or grits/eggs every morning before work because they are pretty quick. I eat around 7:30 am. But no matter what, everyday by 9:30 or 10:30 my stomach is growling and im hungry. Thinking I need to eat more fiber/protein at breakfast.

Any suggestions? I am lactose intolerant. I'm thinking of trying a protein bar like Cliff with some fruit.

What are your opinions?


  • wayhaps
    wayhaps Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah, your breakfast is fairly carb-heavy (particularly if you leave out the eggs), so you aren't going to stay full for as long. Scrambled eggs with veggies and some fruit on the side makes a nice breakfast. You could also try some non-dairy yogurts - I've seen coconut milk yogurt at Whole Foods that looks pretty good. Throw some chopped-up fruit in there and you've got a good start.
  • kkmarie11
    kkmarie11 Posts: 114
    i would say a nice bowl of fruit and yogurt..maybe try a protein shake or smoothies also one of my favorite breakfast is an english muffin (or you could use toast) with a little peanut butter (or any kind of nut butter) and strawberries on top
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    one of my favorite breakfasts: a toasted english muffin, with 1 scrambled egg ( I microwave it) and 1 slice of ham, (weighed usally 1 oz.) I also add american swiss cheese, which you will not be usiing. So just the muffin, egg, and ham. less than 300 calories. It lasts me until about 11am I eat breakfast about 6 am. Hope this helps.
  • cwinottawa
    cwinottawa Posts: 10 Member
    I had the very same problem and this is what works for me. I eat 300-400 calories at breakfast, including a bowl of oatmeal which I make like this:

    1/3 cup old fashion oats
    1/4 cup oat bran
    1 cup of water

    Microwave for 3 minutes. I add 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed and 1 tsp of sweetener (maple syrup in my case) and 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk.

    The oat bran really makes it more filling.

    The fast carbs auch as fruit or grits will make you hungrier faster.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Check out my diary. That fruit smoothie I have every day lasts me to lunch, it is huge. I usually give a few ounces to my daughter.

    If prep time is a factor, I put all the fruit & veg in a cup to defrost overnight, and blend in the morning.

    EDIT: apologies, missed the part about lactose intolerant. Perhaps you can substitute other ingredients or add some Beano?
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    I made the perfect omelette this morning. I usually eat steel cut oats which take 30 min to cook...but I get ready for the day while I wait. My omelette this morning had eggs, mushrooms and peppers in it. I cooked it in coconut oil. It filled me up all morning. Try eating protein and healthy fats in the morning. Add some chopped nuts to your oatmeal, or a tbsp of natural pb. Stir it in while it's hot.
  • lauryn86
    lauryn86 Posts: 86 Member
    For breakfast I have been loving: Coachs Oats, with 1/2 a serving of banana chips, 1 tsp peanut butter, one tbsp or less brown sugar splenda, and its SOOOO good. keeps me full a long time
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    I use a scoop of vanilla protein powder with 1/3 cup of quick oats - sometimes a tablesppon on peanut butter as well. Hi protein and keeps you going!
  • CharlineGaudet
    CharlineGaudet Posts: 1 Member
    For breakfast I have been loving: Coachs Oats, with 1/2 a serving of banana chips, 1 tsp peanut butter, one tbsp or less brown sugar splenda, and its SOOOO good. keeps me full a long time
  • katglaze
    katglaze Posts: 45 Member
    I boil eggs once a week and each morning I cut into the egg throw the yolk out and love the egg white. I also eat a 90 calorie Special K honey nut bar too. They are both tasty and fast.
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    Back when I used to eat cereal/oatmeal and fruit (such as bananas) for breakfast, I was in the same boat: I was starving within 1-2 hours.
    Now that I eat low-carb and have good fats and protein for breakfast, I am never hungry. I usually scramble 2-3 eggs with spinach, butter or coconut oil and add some cheese on top. And a couple of slices of ham or Canadian bacon.

    The last 2 days I ran out of eggs, and I had a Greek yogurt with some berries. I was starving within 1-2 hours like I haven't eaten anything in days!

    Breakfast is such an important part of the day, you need to eat more!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Any suggestions? I am lactose intolerant. I'm thinking of trying a protein bar like Cliff with some fruit.

    What are your opinions?
    Instead of eating a Cliff bar, check out Quest Protein bars instead. For instance, their natural line bar Coconut cashew has this profile and tastes amazing! The protein and fiber will keep you full for quite some time.
    Calories 170
    Total Fat 6g
    Total Carbs 24g
    Fiber 17g
    Sugar 2g
    Sugar Alcohols 6g
    Protein 20g

    Ingredient list: Whey protein isolate, milk protein isolate, isomalto-oligosaccharides (100% natural probiotic fiber), almonds, water, erythritol, coconut, cashews, sea salt, natural flavors, lo han guo, stevia.

    Note that the protein isolates are devoid of lactose.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I never feel like eating breakfast...especially when I have to work earlier.. SO I pre-make 'smoothie packs' and make Protein Smoothies =) My favorite is Strawberry Mango! I've been using Activia, strawberry.. they are thinner than when I use Yoplait.. both are YUMMMMMY!! I use Body Fortress Vanilla Whey, a scoop of that.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    Eggs are awesome and will keep you full for hours. 3 large eggs is 210 calories. Cook them in half a tablespoon of Kerrygold butter and you're looking at less than 300 calories still.

    Otherwise, think outside of the box! I often have leftovers or a big salad with some oil packed tuna for breakfast. It seems strange initially, but the satiated feeling is great.
  • zoegator
    zoegator Posts: 165 Member
    I am SO not a morning person, but I usually make a breakfast sandwich 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 2 slices of low-sodium turkey bacon, 1 large egg, and a slice of thin swiss. If they're on hand I also eat an apple with the sandwich and that keeps me full for quite a while. Total would be somewhere between 300-400 calories, depending on your ingredients and whether you use the cheese or not.
  • zoegator
    zoegator Posts: 165 Member
    Eggs are awesome and will keep you full for hours. 3 large eggs is 210 calories. Cook them in half a tablespoon of Kerrygold butter and you're looking at less than 300 calories still.

    Otherwise, think outside of the box! I often have leftovers or a big salad with some oil packed tuna for breakfast. It seems strange initially, but the satiated feeling is great.

    I am an avid supporter of non-breakfast items for breakfast! Other people seem to think it's weird, and at first it might be, but I enjoy it!
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    A bowl of oatmeal with an egg on top( or two) does it for me.
  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 132 Member
    I have never been a breakfast person! I hate breakfast but maybe on the weekend once a week with bacon & scrambled eggs.
    So I started with a shake.... I have 4 kids - 2 in school so you can imagine how busy my house can be & to sit down & eat breakfast is impossible.

    My morning shake is this.
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder - leanfit from Costco - cost effective & mixes well & tastes good.
    1 - 35 cal. Yogurt cup.
    1/2 cup berries - or any frozen fruit
    1/2 cup water.
    I make it up the night before in a sports bottle give it a shake & drink as I can.

    This breakfast fills me up till lunch time no problems. And is only about 200 calories.
    Plus the extra protein helps assist with my mega weekly workouts.
    Best of luck to you!
    Add me as a friend you like.
  • MPerky86
    MPerky86 Posts: 1
    Ive been seeing a nutritionist recently and hes a big believer in protein. He says it keeps you full longer and your blood sugar wont spike and drop as much (unlike when you eat alot of carbs)
    I start my morning with 2 organic, cage free eggs- scrambled wtih some shredded cheese on top and a side of fruit like a cut up banana with some berries. ... Or try some fruit topped with some greek yogurt. Its full of protein! :) I always have a few snack on hand and make sure I eat every couple hours, even if its just a handful of nuts. Hope this helps :)
  • viannee
    viannee Posts: 52 Member
    I don't know if this will work for you but I eat my breakfast with a cup of coffee or milk mixed with a sachet of soluble fiber.
    (Benefiber or maltodextrin in my case). It tides me over 'til at least 11am.