

  • I've made some of the most important decisions, in my life over the course of a long walk. Every day, I try to walk at least 2 hours..I cry...I talk to myself...and I sing. New York is the BEST place to "people watch" and WALK!!!
  • Hello, Congrats to wanting to start INSANITY...I just had my 30-Day Anniversary with INSANITY...and let me tell you. MY body has changed DRAMATICALLY!!!! I can now do about 15-20 (boy) push-ups in a row...and I lost 6-8 pounds. It is INTENSE..but for me its all worth it for the cool-down. Please let me know how things go…
  • I have always wore a girdle...I had the opposite happen to me tho. My mother, aunts and every woman in my family warned me about "keeping shape"... I never had kids (terrified of doing so)...and I work out. I wear them to keep my "hourglass", and I know women who in a day or two after having a baby...stuffed their *kitten*…
  • I just got a weighted jump rope...and I heard that is the BEST cardio work out...My trick is to take a number (say 400)....jump until I get to that number...REST..then pick another number (say 450)....and do it again...until 30 minutes have passed. Hope this helps Peace.
  • Even tho..the wigs in the shops in VA, have a limited selection...get a wig you want (human hair) some tracks to match the hair on that same wig you purchased.. Then sew it in..or ask someone to help you at a salon...fix it to what YOU like...that means trying it on...and finding a style you like..
  • Disclaimer: I have a million I'll put you on to what I know. My hair is "natural"..meaning, if I take my wig off...I have a 15 inch afro..before that I had dreads....(think Peter Tosh). SO my introduction to wigs came from girls on my block...who wanted to go "natural", but wanted to look cute in the "process".…
  • Weight loss is "90% mental...10%physical"..(Beyonce) Humans today, don't use their minds the way they did millions..of years ago..but I've seen women who were NOT pregnant have EVERY SINGLE SYMPTOM...of pregnancy. The mind is a powerful thing.
  • I don't know where you're from...but in Brooklyn, NY..even people who have hair wear wigs....I love them, I own a million. I had dreadlocks for 11 into Nursing school, and shaved my head.. I don't like chemicals in my hair...and I still want a job (hard to get one with an afro) SO I wear a wig.. GO FOR IT!!!…
  • Oh Yeah...and ' You Can't Quit Me Baby' by Queens of the Stone Age
  • A Milli...Lil Wayne.
  • You're body looks BOSS look good.
  • There just has to be another way!! I have been researching Progesterone CREAMS...and they are said to cause some relief because all of the symptoms that we get is because of the increase in ESTROGEN... Its not only the food cravings, its also the insomnia..then hypersomnia (sleeping way to much), fatigue. I'll keep you…
  • I ordered it...and its still in the wrapper..I am scared that I wont be able to complete it, and pass out...(I know..I'm a cornball).
  • 1. Che 2. Nina Simone 3. Frida Kahlo 4. Nas (rapper from Queens, NY)...and still alive.
  • Ummm....well...if you hate Fidel Castro, don't bother reading the next few lines.. 1.My first B.A. was in African History....(Brooklyn College) 2.Bush went into office for the 2nd term....(still in my 20s) 3. I took a train from 34st in Manhattan to Canada, flew to Havana, Cuba ...and lived there for a year. (The ideology…