Menstrual Cycle Sabotage to Weight Loss???



  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
    Im experiencing this RIGHT now! I ate 1800 cals today :(. Burned 4800 cals last week to just gain 2 pounds instead of losing a pound. So frustrated. I wonder if there are menstrual pms pills out their to help with these symtoms.
  • There just has to be another way!!
    I have been researching Progesterone CREAMS...and they are said to cause some relief because all of the symptoms that we get is because of the increase in ESTROGEN...
    Its not only the food cravings, its also the insomnia..then hypersomnia (sleeping way to much), fatigue.

    I'll keep you ladies posted, with articles.
  • You're body looks BOSS look good.
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    Totally understand----but since it's not changing anytime soon, I guess I'll have to work with it. Sigh.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    okay, this has been deal forEVER! I have no idea if this will work for you but this is what has worked for me. I went to protein every single time I eat, even if it is just a 40 calorie smoked beef snack stick. I push protein and go light on carbs all the time.

    Last month I sailed through pms and even though the bloating made the scale go up as soon as my period was over it all came off. I lost 9lbs last month. But it was my first month of being back on track for eating. This month I am still 4 days away from my period and I am still pushing protein. I ate badly during the 4th of July weekend and gained 3.6 pounds overnight and have spent this week taking it back off but before I applied the protein trick I would have been adding another 3 or 4lbs to that gain due to eating everything but the chair legs.
    When I switched to the protein all the time it was like someone flipped a switch and I barely even notice the pms. I still get grumpy but I have no problem with wanting to eat.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    I despise TOM. I never had the weight gain or out of control appetite, just the extreme cramps, debilititating migraines, and fatigue associated with severe anemia and other similar problems. I have kicked TOM out of my house and it is not welcome back. Eventually it'll be gone for good, but for now I have to settle for depo shots to keep it away. Didn't help that I tore a chunk out of my uteris during my last pregnancy so the monster TOM turned into the demon TOM.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    okay, this has been deal forEVER! I have no idea if this will work for you but this is what has worked for me. I went to protein every single time I eat, even if it is just a 40 calorie smoked beef snack stick. I push protein and go light on carbs all the time.

    Last month I sailed through pms and even though the bloating made the scale go up as soon as my period was over it all came off. I lost 9lbs last month. But it was my first month of being back on track for eating. This month I am still 4 days away from my period and I am still pushing protein. I ate badly during the 4th of July weekend and gained 3.6 pounds overnight and have spent this week taking it back off but before I applied the protein trick I would have been adding another 3 or 4lbs to that gain due to eating everything but the chair legs.
    When I switched to the protein all the time it was like someone flipped a switch and I barely even notice the pms. I still get grumpy but I have no problem with wanting to eat.

    This is a great idea. I forgot about this one (because I try to eat a little protein with all my meals/snacks now, not just during that TOM). And it does help reduce that hungry all day long feeling.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    It's not sabotage - don't be so hard on your body for doing what it is designed to do!
    It's really common to have increased appetite or water-weight gain during a part of your monthly cycle, don't stress about it, you will be back on track in a few days. I've started increasing my cals by 50/100 day during my "hungry week" and this has helped me eat a little more but still stay in control.
    Good luck with finding what works for you.

    Ive read that your metabolism increases from the time of ovulation until you get your period. How much it actually increases probably varies from woman to woman but I think allowing yourself a few extra calories during that time is an excellent idea. Otherwise you feel like you're starving yourself... I know that feeling!!
  • I can relate to this as well too. I normal pig out the week before my period on salty and sweet things. I have learned to keep the house stock with "good" things to eat for those times. One thing that I really love is the coco dusted almonds, they have enough sweet to them to cure any craving I have. Plus another thing I do is make sure I workout extra those days I know I am eating over my max calories. I normally will do an extra 2 miles of running on those days, to make up for the crap I might consume later in the day. Unfortunately it is a visious cycle and I am not sure there is anyway to stop unless the men could take over once in a while. LOL!! :flowerforyou:
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