Taygwen Member


  • I sleep w/one just because I got used to it when I was nursing my son. I also watched somewhere that you SHOULD sleep with some sort of support on at night just to keep them in shape. :0)
  • Try Diet Cherry Rite, any diet Rite for that matter, that just happens to be my favorite. Sweetened with Splenda, has zero carbs, calories, sodium, and caffeine.
  • www.healthychineserecipes.com Chinese food is my alltime favorite and I don't know if I can live without either. I don't prefer to cook it but if I have to in order to get something close but maybe healthier...I will attempt.
  • I am 5'7" and just under 200lbs. My weight fluctuates though. Before I got prego with my 3rd child I was working out like crazy and got down to 166...after I had him i was losing weight for awhile and then all of a sudden started gaining (even while nursing) and got some tests done and found out i have hypothyroidism. So,…
  • I did P90 sweat yesterday and logged 300 calories burned. Today I did sculpt, do I log calories burned as well? Update: I entered them as circuit training...hopefully this will work.
  • If there's a fridge and microwave I would totally go to the grocery store and buy some fresh fruit and veggies and things like oatmeal and boca burgers. IDk, stuff like that. How about lean cuisines? :0)
    in eating out? Comment by Taygwen July 2011
  • you look awesome. And like ckmama said, You look way smaller than 221.
  • Thanks Erickirb, that makes more sense. So when i do work out I SHOULD eat to stay at the 1200 calories. I never thought of it that way as far as losing muscle rather than fat and all that. I guess I need to put things in different perspective since I'm actually counting calories now instead of just trying to burn of the…
  • Sometimes I feel like I'm hungry and want to eat the extra calories but since I've just started the 1200 calories I often wonder if I'm really hungry or if its just me wanting to eat out of habit. I drink water to curb the craving.
  • I bought a pretty good treadmill from Sams Club for about $400. Craigslist always has good deals because a lot of people just need to get rid of their things. If I could afford a good elliptical I would get one of those. When I first got on one I didn't last 5 minutes before I gave up. If you can get past the first 10…
  • So, my daughter and I did P90 today, just the 1-2 circuit. Boy am I out of shape. I jog on the treadmill but that's about it. The yoga is a killer, I so just flop on the belly from downward dog to plank to upward dog, haha. Hopefully I'll eventually be able to get it. I love the kicking and boxing though. Now, I just need…
  • I hope its not too late to start. I've had the P90 dvd for a few years now but have never stuck to it for one reason or another. This time I am dedicated. I have hypothyroidism which makes it more difficult to lose weight now so I'm on a 1200 calorie diet and am going full fledged into P90. I will be starting tomorrow…
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