

  • Feel free to add me! I am also over 40. I used to be able to drop weight by just thinking about it. Now I am working my butt off, except it won't leave!!! I feel your pain!
  • I am also in the same boat. I average 1400 calories a day. I run 5 days a week, walk for at least an hour every day, and am getting ready to learn rock climbing. I am up every day by 5 am and settle down until around 8. Despite that, I am at a stand still for weight loss. I have taken off inches, but I am really sick of my…
  • I was having the same issue with my E machine. SO...I got an app. C25K. It got me out running, very gently. I started in January and with no injuries or even soreness...I was able to do my first 5k on April 22. Which I finished in 41 minutes. Just did my second race yesterday...finished in 37.38 minutes. Next is scheduled…
  • I have been dealing with a much more minor version of this. I went to a running store and they recommended some shoe inserts for me. "powerstep pinnacle". In the store- they were $44, but on ebay, I got a second pair for 20. They also told me to stand away from the wall and do push ups 5 times a day keeping my heels on the…
  • Welcome. I feel your pain. I have been in and out for the past 10 years with weight watchers, a personal trainer who tried to kill me, and now here with a new enjoyment of running and 5k's. I have reached out to local meet up groups to keep me moving and motivated. The number on the scale isn't changing, but the inches…
  • Hi. I am new to your group and relatively new to this site. Real name- Lisa Age:41 HWT- 186- about 3 years ago Cwt-172 GWT 147 Status- divorced, no kids...3 rescue dogs!!! Weakness- sweets. Dark Chocolate with ANYTHING! Strengths- Did a C25k program, ran my first 5k...now signed up for one a month. Just joined an athletic…
    in Welcome!!! Comment by ldritc May 2012
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