


  • jbarnes2
    jbarnes2 Posts: 5 Member

    Real name: Jacque
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 213
    UGW: 135
    Location:Omaha, NE
    Age: 29
    Sex: F
    I have a 12 yr old daughter and 3 yr old son

    I'm new to this forum. I joined MFP a few months ago and have had a hard time losing with the calories I'm allotted (only 10 lbs in 4 months). I noticed I almost always maxed out my carbs for the day and decided after 3 months of exercising with little results that I would switch to low carb. It's been a week and I've lost 8lbs already (I know a lot of that is water weight). I'm going to stick with low carb until the wheels fall off.
  • Real name: Jen
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 187
    SW: 184.4
    CW: 182.8
    GW: 135
    UGW: 128
    Location: Chicago, IL
    Age: 40
    Sex: F
    No children

    Weaknesses: Mexican Food, Pasta & Wine

    Hi everyone! This is my second day on My Fitness Pal and it seems like a really great site! The only thing that has ever worked for me (as well as other women in my family) is low-carb dieting. Unfortunately, while I am great at it for about 10-14 days, after that I tend to fall completely off the wagon and stay off the wagon for months at a time. Looking to get back in the swing of things and looking forward to trying this on a website with great support tools and an active community.
  • debzeeU2
    debzeeU2 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi everyone! I am interested in meeting y'all. I love to see what others are eating and give motivation so add me as a friend if you like.

    Real Name: Deb
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 180
    CW: 163
    GW: 135
    UGW: 120 depends on how I look at 135
    Location- Nashville, Tn, USA but my second home is in Dublin, Ireland since I visit all the time.
    Age: 34
    Sex: F
    No children
    Not married- but hopefully in the next year to my great boyfriend- he is from Ireland.

    Diet Plan- Nothing really planned...I am sticking to high protein/low carb. I would love to have my carbs under 80g. I give myself one cheat meal a week. I've been eating a lot of fish, egg whites, chicken, edamame, greek yogurts, veggies, etc.
    I walk 5-6 miles 3x a week, I play workout games on xbox/kinect 2-4x a week. Need to start using my kettlebell more.

    Super weakness
    mexican food & sweets!
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm just starting out eating low carb. Looking forward to some motivation and some great ideas.

    Real Name: Katharine
    Height: 6'
    HW: 285
    CW: 280
    GW: 175
    UGW: 170
    Location- Washington DC area
    Age: 43
    Sex: F
    My daughter turns 15 in 2 weeks
    Divorced, ended a long relationship after 9 years last year and met the love of my life soon after.

    Diet Plan- No real plan, just watching my carb intake and cutting out processed foods. I find when I eat starchy food I get really tired and feel bloated.

    Trying to get in as much exercise as possible

    Super weakness
    potatoes, breads, pasta
  • blkericia
    blkericia Posts: 105 Member
    name ericia
    height 5'5
    HW 385
    CW 200
    GW 180
    30 F
    i am doing low carb 30-50net
    i use to do low carb back in 2010 and lost 30lbs had some stress and gained it back,:sad: i tried other diets but low carb is the only one i can see me doing for life,:love: i would love to have some low carb friends, i don't have many on here so i thought i would join the group.:smile:
  • Merrysea
    Merrysea Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there.

    I am always keen to lower my carb intake, as I feel for me carbs just make me fat!
    I am also gluten free and Celiac for 3.5 years now so the incentive is there also GF bread is so expensive and not like real bread. ( oh I do miss real bread!)

    So yea I want to diet loosing my weight through eating less carbs, ( oh and I dont seem to drink any more either)
  • MarianneDarroch
    MarianneDarroch Posts: 71 Member
    Hi there, have just joined/found this group so thought would do the necessary intro's

    Name: Marianne
    Age: 30
    CW: 132
    Status: Married - no kids just yet
    Weaknesses - where do I begin, bread, cakes, sweets - all the bad stuff :)
    Strengths: I work out a lot, at least 6 days a week, the more I do it the more I enjoy it

    I try and keep my carbs under 80, however do blow this sometimes, had cut out fruit and bread, however have been relaxing bit lately - so time to get strict with myself again.
  • going2win
    going2win Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Im Cat =) where are all the HCGers out there ?!? I cant find one forum on thr topic lol what happened to freedom of speech ?! I am P3 here to be sure I am getting my macros correct and enough calories ;P Start weight 224 in Dec, current weight 188.8 . Love the HCG plan. Althought P2 is rough, it definitely helped me to form a new and healthy relationship with food. If you also HCG, feel free to add me !!
  • ldritc
    ldritc Posts: 6
    Hi. I am new to your group and relatively new to this site.
    Real name- Lisa
    HWT- 186- about 3 years ago
    GWT 147
    Status- divorced, no kids...3 rescue dogs!!!
    Weakness- sweets. Dark Chocolate with ANYTHING!
    Strengths- Did a C25k program, ran my first 5k...now signed up for one a month. Just joined an athletic meet up group and a running group.

    I try to keep my carbs as low as possible. I avoid the white things, fried things and processed things. I miss Mexican food like no bodies business.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Real name: Karen
    Hwt: 215
    Bwt: 161
    Cwt: 158
    New to this, and its harder than I thought. Trying to stay at 40 carbs daily or below. Thank God for Atkins bars.
    Hoping to find new ways for this to get easier.
  • webbsark
    webbsark Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I am Amy. I have been dieting for years but lower carbs seem to work the best for me. I also have a couple of days when I do eat more carbs. I can't be an all or nothing eater. I seem to have spurts of weight loss and that's okay with me. Feel free to friend me username webbsark
  • dufresne21
    dufresne21 Posts: 2 Member
    real name : Shannon

    H: 5'8"
    HW: 282
    GW:145 ish
    RW:135 yeah right...think I'd blow away and be all skin and bone
    Strengths: excellent and creative cook...hoping to come up with new recipies.
    Weaknesses: I HATE excercise that feels like excersise...and a hubby who likes to eat double the serving i give him right in front of me....TWO HUGE bowls of ice cream, eek!
    Find staying down to 20 carbs almost impossible and REALLY boring....working on it though. Long Haul Trucker and find it hard to find grab and go food when I need it as I cant always make food throughout the day.
  • paulasue145
    paulasue145 Posts: 157
    Hi :) So glad to be here!

    real name : Paula

    H: 5'5
    HW: 224
    RW: between 135-145
    Strengths: I'm funny, quick whitted.
    Weakness: Depression and Anxiety which lead to eating...

    I've use to low carb... i lost a lot of weight and stayed thinner for a long time. Then I had to have 3 surgeries and got into a car wreck.(All seperate incidences) . I had almost died in the hospital when they injected me with the dye and i was severly allergic to it. It took me a while to recover from all of that and i had to take tons of prednisone at different times. (made me blow up). Anyway, my eating went to crap. I tried to eat ''healthier'' but found that it would take FOREVER for 1 lb to budge...and usually it was moving the wrong way. UP! Then I even tried to be a Vegan!!! I was so moved by the movie Forks over Knives, that I Finally thought I'd found my answer.... But, i was starving all the time and felt like crap! So, here I am! this is my 2nd day on the low carb. I Already feel better and satsified. I'm in it for the Long haul. Afterall....it's a lifestyle, NOT a diet!!!! LET'S EAT!!!!! ;)
  • paulasue145
    paulasue145 Posts: 157
    Oh, And please feel free to friend me.... I need all the low carb support i can get :) And i'll give it too!!!!:happy:
  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    Real Name: Carrie
    Height : 5 ft 1"
    HW: 165
    CW: 132
    UGW: 115
    Age: 34
    Sex: Female
    Married: almost 15 years
    No Children,

    Diet Plan: Right now I am working out so much I have lost the will to count my calories I am performing in a dance showcase in less than a month lots of classes ad rehearsal. I have lost a lot with Herbalife shakes and bars as well as trying to keep my other meals pretty healthy. My arms and legs look AWESOME but my belly fat just won't go away. The last time I was thin in the middle I ate mostly fruit, veggies, dairy and meat so I want to go back to that. Apparently grains stick to my mid section even the whole grains.

    My Weakness is:PIZZA

    Hello I am new here and looking for a way to get rid of my stubborn belly fat! I need to figure out how to reduce the sugar and starches that are hidden in my diet and find ways to make healthy good tasting meals without added starches. I also can not have Splenda or any other artificial sweetener they give me migraines. So when I buy a low carb cookbook it rules out about 25% or more of the recipes So just looking for some help getting to my next goal.

    Oh and I wrote that my goal weight was 115 but with the stuff I do I build a lot of muscle so I am good with a higher weight if my pants size will go back to a 5 or less.
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi, I have joined your group to cut back on carbs and get some awesome recipes from you low carb pro's :)

    Real Name: Carolanne

    Height: 5'2"
    CW: 134
    1GW: 120
    2GW: 110
    Age: 34

    Goals: To lose the flab. I have 3 children and can't seem to lose the excess pounds after having my baby 1 year ago.

    Weakness: Chocolate and cakes or anything with sugar

    I have been trying to eat a bit more, however my extra calories seem to come from biscuits and other sweet treats, hence why i am not losing. I'd love some recipe ideas to replace the high carb snacks too.

    Please add me as a friend as its nice to have some support from others on the same journey :)

    Caz xx
  • bertabird
    bertabird Posts: 52
    :happy: I am Roberta. I live in the western United States. I have been fat all my life. I have PCOS. I am fat and protein efficient, which means this: My husband can eat a whole cake and not gain a pound. All I have to do is look at it and gain 12.

    My 1st weight loss goal is to reach 199. I'll change to a new goal once I reach this one. I allow myself only 60 carbs per day. My diet is 50% protein, 25% fat, and 15% carbs. I am not weighing every day. I weigh myself every three days now. I am losing fat. Not muscle. I am losing more in inches than in weight. By the way, my blood sugar levels are excellent now. I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and after I cried, I gained courage and made the decision to live a healthy lifestyle. It is working!

    My greatest challenge is to prepare meals that my hubby can eat too. He needs lots of carbs in his diet (works hard every day) and I crave potatoes, pasta and bread often.

    I am looking for recipes and friends with common goals.
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    I'm wondering if I'm following the low-carb, do i still need to stay under the caloric, and fat suggestions in my profile, and still lose weight???

    Brand new here...

    HW 285
    CW 275
    GW 199 - Once i get here i'll redirect

    No diet plan yet other then to just stay low carb as I was just dig. with PCOS.

    Any advice will be great!
  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 293 Member
    I'm wondering if I'm following the low-carb, do i still need to stay under the caloric, and fat suggestions in my profile, and still lose weight???

    If you're doing low carb, the only thing you should be watching is your carbs, fiber (if you count net carbs) ,and total calories. (You still have to eat less than you burn to lose weight, but low-carb just makes it less painful without the food cravings, the hunger pangs, or the out of control blood sugar).

    The suggested fat and protein and carb ratios here on MFP are based on a low fat diet so you can ignore those. My goal for 2 lbs loss and my weight is to eat under 1790 calories, but I am usually closer to 1500 most days.. I follow Atkins (induction phase, so about 20 net carbs) - you are welcome to check out my food diaries to see what I eat to come in at that level.
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    Thank you!!!! Here's to healthy weight loss!!!!