

  • If you have the funds to do so, try ordering a few online. You'll probably have a better selection of sizes and styles and you can try them on in your own time in the comfort of your own home. Return the ones that don't work out. Zappos has a big selection and does rapid shipping for no extra fee. Good luck and enjoy your…
  • Thanks for all the advice. I'll stock up and try to figure it out with my next few long runs. I'm running the Carmel Marathon (inaugural year) in IN--June 11th!
  • I'd love more running friends, too! I run usually 4x per week and am currently training to complete a marathon in June. I sometimes need extra motivation too as I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with running. I don't think I'm a natural so during the run it seems really hard but afterward I'm always happy and love…
  • I'm in! I have about 17.5 lbs to lose to meet my final goal. Sending friend request now!
  • I am, too--three tenths of a pound to go! Best of luck to you!
  • Do you watch tv? If yes, you could give that up and use the time to get in a longer workout or find an organization at which you can volunteer.
  • I have similar goals as well. I am trying to lose about 24 lbs by June. I joined MFP last year and used the sight religiously for about 6 months but did not participate in the message boards or seek out any friends. I just started logging in again about 2 weeks ago and want to try a different approach, so yes, I am in. CW:…