Catholic/Christian members - does anyone have anything speci

I always give up candy for Lent, however I have pretty much given up candy now (I do have an occasional dark chocolate) and I eat so healthy so I am trying to come up with another food/fitness related goal, maybe something that helps other people too.

So just wondering if anyone else here has some good plans for Lent.


  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    If you drink soda, you can always give that up
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I was thinking about this very thing the other day. I'm with you. I'll usually give up candy, soda or something super sugary. Since I started this whole new me thing I've almost completely given up processed sugar, hardly ever have soda (maybe 1 a month), and maybe once a week have a piece of dark chocolate.

    I was thinking about giving up salt but that's in EVERYTHING! Maybe give up on adding it to my food?
    Maybe coffee? I drink a cup every day during the week.

    I'm curious to see what others are going to do.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I gave up pop for Lent once, and then I couldn't drink it anymore because it was too sweet. I only drink it ocassionally now. If food isn't something you need to give up, you could give up tv? Or maybe just certain tv. If you are hooked on talk shows you could just give up talk shows. Maybe Facebook?
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I have been thinking about this all week and I was thinking I will give up pasta for lent because I eat pasta almost everyday .... LOL .... I tend to always have macaroni n cheese, buttered noodles, pasta sides, rice sides/rice a roni(both contain vermicelli) with my dinners everyday and they all are pasta or contain pasta then ofcourse i also make spaghetti, ravioli, tortellini, pierogies some days too .... So for me we are going to try and go pasta free atleast 6 of the 7 days .....

    Will be interesting with a 2 y/o picky eater who is in that i dont like vegetables except broccoli phase
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    I have always just focused on being a better human being and a better Christian. To me, why not make is part of your life from here on out instead of just during Lent? Just a suggstion and good luck to you on whatever you decide to do.
  • 50x30
    50x30 Posts: 8
    Do you watch tv? If yes, you could give that up and use the time to get in a longer workout or find an organization at which you can volunteer.
  • Nogo
    Nogo Posts: 105 Member
    I'm a bartender and I give up drinking for Lent. It's a tough one for me but worth it!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Thanks for reminding me of this. Since I don't go to a Catholic church anymore, I forget about Lent.

    Hmmm? What to sacrifice for Lent? I have never been successful giving up chocolate, even though I tried for years and years. I drink a pop a day, but I don't know if I'd be any good at that one either. I do need to try to get back to plain water, not flavored beverages all the time. Maybe I will try to give up pop and powdered drink mixes. I would be thinking about God often that way, because I ALWAYS have a drink beside me.

    I gave up yelling several times. It sounds crazy, but I had little kids and found I yelled too much. Those weeks of finding other ways to deal both with their discipline and my anger were very good for me, and for them I think. Now, as older teens/young adults, they will say, "Mom yelled at me about that," and when I say I didn't yell, they'll say, "you had your yell-face on," and admit that that is really all the "yelling" I do these days. It was a healthy change.

    Good luck!
  • jenni3001
    jenni3001 Posts: 33 Member
    My priest told us that it is no longer required to give up anything for Lent, just to make sure not to eat meat on Fridays. When I heard him say that I felt weird, since I had been giving up something all of my life, but then I decided that the food I usually give up I don't need anyways so I would cut back all the time, not just for one week and I would focus on being a better person every day, not just during Lent.