

  • I clicked on this topic because I am new on here, and I too am in need of some friends to help motivate me and keep me accountable. You're training for a half marathon? That is wonderful! Is it your first one? It is a challenging adventure, but so rewarding. I know exactly what you're going through, I did my first half…
  • Protein and fibre are good things to go over with, those nutrients are what keep you full and give you energy. As long as it's not huge amounts, say, 20 g over the limit because you may start experiencing problems with constipation or the opposite. If you're under you daily calorie allowance, a good way to get in an extra…
  • Egg whites! One egg white has only 17 cal, 4 grams of protein, no cholesterol or fat. My favorites are to scramble 3-4 egg whites with veggies and toast, or poach 2 of them with a microwave poacher and have them on toast with sliced onions. I hard boil eggs too and scoop away the yolk. They are perfect to add to meals or…