

  • The only things that I would recommend that you do is to not only watch the amount of calories you eat, but also sodium. Sodium are salts that make you retain water after consumption. Too much sodium will make your weight increase drastically. What I would do is increase your workouts to about 5 to 6 times a week and have…
  • Don't expect marvelous things to happen overnight. It's going to be a long trek to get where you want to be. Another thing to consider is also watching the amount of sodium you intake because that equals water retention which becomes weight gain, because the big problem with me has been the amount of sodium in food that I…
  • Usually, if I want to eat something before working out, I do it within 2-3 hours before heading to the gym. However, if I go to gym on an empty stomach, I would grab a protein bar and have it before walking inside the gym.
  • First of all, it's the parent's responsibility to make sure their kids are eating right and not so much in the way of things like burgers, fries, pizza and soda pop. I have also seen some of these overweight kids that also have overweight parents and my question is: "What kind of example are you setting for you kid(s)?".…
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