Just Starting!

jjgirl76 Posts: 68 Member
So... I've been in shape (relatively) before, but since getting married it seems like my time for exercise and focus on good eating habits is gone.

I say relatively in shape because I have never been within "goal weight" but I have run/walk in 2 marathons and 6 1/2 marathons. Not a fast runner by any stretch of the imagination. This is the problem - a long run is 2-4 hours depending on the goal. Anyone have any tips for speeding up and shortening the exercise time.

I'm excited to try this, but I have done WW online without much success. The only thing in the past that has worked to take off the weight is Nutrisystem, or ediets, or Jenny Craig. Notice a pattern of diet frustration. Keeping it off has never been possible. I take that back - I did it okay when single and training for the 1/2 marathon and my first marathon. But I even was gaining weight (not muscle) during the training for marathon #2... and I barely finished. So yes, excited to try this but cynical. Needing support. Lots of support.

Thanks. J

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  • The only things that I would recommend that you do is to not only watch the amount of calories you eat, but also sodium. Sodium are salts that make you retain water after consumption. Too much sodium will make your weight increase drastically. What I would do is increase your workouts to about 5 to 6 times a week and have one day off to rest and rebuild your muscles. As far as figuring out what you need to eat in your diet, I would look at going to a weight loss clinic in your area. What they do is they'll do a blood test to see the goods and bads of your body, and recommend the right diet that is best for you and get you on the medications that will aid in your quest for the weight that feels good for you. Another thing that I would also do as well is to find a personal trainer in your area that will help you with the right workouts that you need.