

  • When I first started logging my food I forgot to list my milk in my cereal, then noticed after a couple of of times I had forgotten. Now I include it and use skim milk. I don't use milk in my oatmeal, I use water. Milk adds a lot of calories if you are not careful.
  • Anytime I get in the mood for food w/ noodles for stir fry I substitue broccoli slaw or cabbage as the noodles. I really like the spinach pasta but it is hard to find in my area. I would definitely try yam noodles though.
  • There is no such thing as "good" sugar in my book. I am diabetic. Fruits and vegetables are healthy, but some are sugar loaded and can be just as bad. Everything in moderation!
  • Good luck! I joined 5 days ago. :happy:
    in Hi Comment by heaven6 July 2011