joe2626 Member


  • Oh go on then...again, I wouldn't say 'hot' at all and still very much a 'work in progress', 'body under construction' but this is 18 months of work. In the first photo i'm 246lbs and in the second i'm around 170lbs.
  • Multivitamins with iron (Vitamin A, D, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin, B6, Folic Acid, B12, Pantothenic Acid and Iron) & I also take Omega 3 fish oil (1000mg). I'm also starting to put oats with vitamins in my post-workout shakes and they contain most of the multivitamins in the tablets with additional biotin and vitamin D3. ETA:…
  • In for... ...well, just because there's not a huge amount else I can do.
  • What a fantastic loss...and might I say, you're absolutely stunning! At the rate you're going, you'll reach your ultimate goals in no time at all. Inspirational! x
  • I'm merely speaking from personal experience when I say that, in terms of weight-loss, calories-in vs. calories-out will do the trick. Now that i'm trying to do a recomp, i've realised that it's not only quantity of food, but its quality too, that contributes to changes in my body-fat percentage. By eating as clean as…
  • Granola. Bowl...after bowl...after bowl. 50g serving? I could eat half a kilo before I was full and i'd be well over my daily allowance in cereal alone.
  • IN for chocolate-chocolate fudgey cake. As for alternative baking, you could try baking using protein powders. There's all sorts of recipes for foods ranging from protein bars and flapjacks to pizzas and breads (some are utterly disgusting though). It's a very different kind of baking though, as you can't cook whey powders…
  • Personally, I think that doing both in one day is overkill and it won't take long to realise that yourself. For the past couple of months i've been doing a hybrid of Insanity: Asylum volume 1 with Stronglifts 5x5. I do 3 sessions of each per week on alternating days with the one rest day. However, even that has been tough…
  • Well we keep chickens so eggs are abundant for my family so it feels less wasteful to not use the yolk. I'm the only one watching what I eat in my family so if they make an omelette they'll add in one of my discarded yolks (which I keep in a container in the fridge) and i've recently suggested that we use them to make some…
  • This is me around 2 years ago, taken outside a club. I weighed around 246lbs at the time. I couldn't just wear just a shirt out, I always had to hide behind a hoodie so that I felt comfortable. Oh how things change! 70+ lbs down and I feel so much better. *Edited to post photo correctly...sorry it's/i'm so large! Haha!*
  • I lift 3 times per week. My HRM can get over 400 cals in the hour, but they're not in the slightest bit accurate when you're strength training. When I do an Insanity: Asylum workout (also 3 times per week), I can rack up 400-900 cals in 40-60 minutes.
  • I'll be honest, I haven't read all of the posts on here AND, without elaborating moreso than to simply say that, i'd also imagine something's up with your form. I can, however, offer you a recent development in my squat that has made my last couple of lifts easier. When I was coming down into the squat, my weighting was…
  • Unfortunately, it's probably cottage cheese. The taste, consistency and smell all make me gag even if it would make a great addition to my nutrition plan.
  • If anyone would like a couple of harder variations, i'd suggest 'lat push ups' ( - skip forward to 1:00 to get straight to the move) and tricep push-ups ( Better get going on these myself...
  • "Do it for bacon"... ...And i'll do anything for bacon. I even did those 50 crunches thinking about rewarding myself with a couple of rashers. ETA: For Team Paulie!
  • I'm also going to buy myself an expensive, designer suit when i've cut, bulked and cut again. In the meantime just drawing a different type of attention to myself in my beachwear would be nice. Rather than people screaming and running away as if i'm the beached whale-equivalent of Godzilla, some female attention wouldn't…
  • Absolutely fantastic and I can totally relate. I used to wear XL t-shirts, worked my way down to medium and a couple of months ago I bought my first men's medium polo shirt. It's a fantastic feeling isn't it? Congrats, Dave. Wear it with pride!
  • As a hairy young man, this is like music to my ears. Hopefully the fact i'm also a baker is like music to yours. I bake ALL the cookies.
  • You had me at 'bacon'.
    in BACON!! Comment by joe2626 May 2013
  • Interval training (30 seconds of work/30 minutes rest) - 1 interval.
  • Grilled....wrapped in parma ham.
    in Asparagus... Comment by joe2626 May 2013
  • I work in a bakery, around custard, jam and chocolate donuts day-in, day-out and I can honestly say i've never been tempted. Cookies, on the other hand...
    in Doughnuts Comment by joe2626 May 2013
  • Firstly, well done for committing to the 60-day program. Having done it myself, I know it's tough. As for your calorie burns, I still manage to burn 600+ cals in a 50 minute Insanity: Asylum workout, but what's important to remember is that, when you strip it down to its bare bones, it's HIIT training. This means that not…
  • I think making your own popcorn (seasoned with spices/herbs - or even just salted, if you're not too worried about your sodium intake) is a great option. Either that or take a bag of nuts (cashews, brazil nuts, monkey nuts etc). If it's just for the sake of chewing something, how about just chewing some sugar-free gum?
  • Ultimately, it does come down to eating at a calorie-deficit and calf-exercises (as you can't spot reduce and blah blah blah). I do think the 'type' of calf exercises can really determine calf shape though. My brother, a rugby player, has really round-shaped calves from explosive and high resistance (pushing/driving) work,…
  • If this is Hua'Shan, i've actually been. Didn't do that crazy trail, but trekked up the mountain to near the top and stayed overnight in a monastery. We watched the sun rise through the clouds at 5am, which made us smile incessantly like half-wits...but that could have been down to the lack of available oxygen given the…
  • In my university days, i'm sure I smashed 15,000 calories easily. Between a Large Dominos pizza (3,000 cals not including dip), alcohol (another 3,000 cals), large drunken kebab (1,500 cals) and relentless snacking in the day (not to mention an entire 'full fat' bottle of coke at something like 800 cals per bottle), I…
  • Firstly, congratulations on a fantastic weight loss. I realise that you still might not be happy with your body, but you have to take a step back and appreciate how well you've done. My ticker's currently sitting at 77lbs lost (i'm actually a couple of pounds heavier this week) and I too am not happy with the results.…