Scott_Baldwin Member


  • I will open up and tell my story, might be a little different but relatable. Short version: was obese for the first 20 years as an adult. Did not develop a noticeable ED until recently as a result of yo-yo dieting. I was fit in high school but started packing on my weight after that—during college and after. My ex-wife and…
  • My wife is driven to binge when she has had a bad work day/week. I tend not to want to eat when I am stressed. However if I skip a few meals and get very hungry I get tempted to lean towards my trigger foods. I also have trouble when we are out somewhere and I can see and smell my trigger foods. One of the other threads…
  • @newport3158 - Thanks for the book recommendation, I just ordered it. My wife is driven to binge when she has had a bad work day/week. I tend not to want to eat when I am stressed. However if I skip a few meals and get very hungry I get tempted to lean towards my trigger foods. I also have trouble when we are out somewhere…
  • Consider creating a "Why" list--something on paper or in a document. Why do you want to lose the weight/get fit. When on paper or saved in a document it is something you can reference when you are struggling with a good/bad meal choice or to/not to workout. I made one 1/9/2013 and it helped me a lot. I went from almost 290…
  • Great thread! Thank you to all that have shared! I binge eat also. Wife does too, she would do it when stressed. Very different from me. Am 42 and hovered around 260 (+/- 20 pounds) since my mid 20s. 9/1/2013 my wife and I got very committed to getting into shape. We each created a "Why list" which proved to be very…
  • Wife and I started T25 this morning--we plan to do all three phases. First workout was hard but very doable. It is hard to get up extra early in the morning to complete a 45 minute to hour long workout before starting work (did that many days with P90X and some during Body Beast) but 27 minutes is VERY manageable. Good…