nikkishay717 Member


  • I jogged (I was pretty darn slow) but I did it and I didn't stop moving and got in 1/2 mile outside before the rain started up again.
  • I haven't been doing much on the msg boards but I would love to be added in this too. :)
  • Day one will kick your but or at least it did mine. I was sore for the first 2 days but am loving it. The best thing to remember is do it everyday and stay with it. If you are tired rest and then start again. I am addicted and I'm just completed day 4 of week 1. You will have to have a few extras though so make sure you…
  • I use a heart rate monitor so I can get the accurate calorie burn for myself. After I know that I added the exercise manually to my diary and put it .
  • I take the same multi vitamin and I find that if I eat first and then take the pill that I don't get sick. This of course was learned after a few really bad days of getting sick like you said.
  • I can say for myself it's just about pushing myself to see what my body can do. I am doing 3 different 5ks this fall. I'm looking forward to new obstacles, fresh air outside, and a chance to do something I enjoy. I like running because it's freeing. You don't have to think you just go. Running isn't for everyone but it can…
  • The 30 Day Shred is great because you can do a single workout in 20 mins which is great for days that you don't have a lot of time to give to working out. Highly recommend it.