

  • chewy granola bars (only 100 cal apiece!), almonds, vitamuffins, greek yogurt (if you can keep it cold), fresh berries, apples, 1 or 2 squares of dark chocolate, any of the 100 calorie packs (i like the pop-tart crisps and the chocolate covered pretzels), no sugar added diced peaches/mandarin oranges, snyder's pretzels etc.
  • I will say that as a college student, eating three small meals of 300 calories apiece has helped to boost my weight loss. Then, I save a whopping 400 calories in "snacks." A granola bar between class, an apple after the gym, and a bag of soy crisps in the library. It's not a perfect system, but it prevents me from ever…
  • I recently lost 20 pounds and am now trying to maintain that loss. I was told I could eat 1700 if working out steadily, but I tend to hover just below 1400 per day (I work out 5x per week). I am continuing to lose weight, but I'm considering upping my intake to 1500. we shall see ha.
  • Honestly, people say that because they're jealous. They're jealous because they know that you just might get that beach body and look fantastic. They're jealous of your determination--and the success you're going to achieve. If anything, take it as a sign that they think you CAN do it, and they're afraid. Knock 'em dead.
  • I agree completely!! What satisfaction I used to get from eating, I get from wearing fun clothes!
  • "bump" gives the thread priority and puts it at the top of the list when people are searching for forums (since "bump" is the latest post).
  • Fat free Ranch by Hidden Valley! SOO yummy and only 30 calores for TWO tablespoons. I only end up using one usually, and I expend almost nothing on dressing. #winning
  • One night a week can't hurt your weight loss. If you can promise not to snack when drinking, you should be fine. Just go a little a little lighter on your meals during the day as well to help curb the extra caloric intake. Doing both of these should help minimize/eliminate any real chance of derailing your diet.
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