vivalawvegas Member


  • I'm 5'9.5" and am currently between 160-163 and 19% body fat. I wear a size 6. My goal is 150, though I think 155 is more feasible for me.
  • $30/month for my gym membership (including childcare and all classes). $400/month for my trainer (2 sessions per week). Worth every penny.
  • My troop get $.85 per box, with an additional $1.25 going to my local council. Overall, my local are gets more than 50% of the purchase price, which is pretty decent. The money really adds up, too. Our girls are pre-paying next year's dues, buying their vests (Daisies) and throwing an end of the year pottery painting party…
  • Oh, if you want to support the GS but not eat the cookies, ask your troop about the Cookie Share program. You buy the box and it is donated to troops, the VA, food banks, etc.
  • My DD is a Girl Scout and I'm troop cookie mom. For the past few weeks, I have been selling, ordering, organizing, etc. I am so damn sick of Girl Scout cookies, you couldn't pay me to eat them. :) That being said, I've got Thin Mints and Samoas (Caramel deLites in my neck of the woods) headed for my freezer because in 3…
  • Try on multiple pair to really get a sense of the differences. A good store will film you on a treadmill to get an accurate view of your gait. It gets into the 30-40's on average here and I do full leggings and long-sleeved tech tee and a vest. If it is *really* cold for some reason, I'll do a full pullover but that's…
  • 5'9.5 Current weight 166/23% body fat Goal weight 155/20% body fat I'm currently in a size 8 but they are getting loose. I expect to be in a 6 by the time I reach goal.
  • I'm pretty sure you didn't burn 45 calories, unless you only did cardio for about 5 mins. I'd probably go with the MFP calculation and then invest in a HRM.
  • 5'9.5" here SW: 192 (though I was well voer 200 following my daughter's birth) CW: 172 GW: 160 (I may reassess when I get there and push it down to 150-155) I started at a size 14 and am currently into an 8. I have an hourglass figure - big boobs, big hips, small waist. Pants are ridiculously hard to fit. I lose first on…
  • The ship should have a gym, so try to squeeze a few formal workouts in. Also, cruise food has come a long way as far as having healthy options. I agree with the previous poster's advice to keep breakfast and lunch in check and splurge at dinner. And don't waste calories on sugary, boozey drinks. If you are going to drink,…
  • Me. I do Kegels constantly and wear Poise liners. I forgot to wear one when I went for my run today and was practically wet to the knees by the time I got home. Sigh.
  • Any grocery store will likely have it. Costco sells a large bag of it. Most commercially packaged ones will be pre rinsed but if you buy from a bulk bin, make sure to rinse it. It had a naturally occurring compound on it that can be bitter. I like to toast the dry quinoa first and then cook in broth rather than water. It's…
  • Eat lightly for breakfast and lunch, eliminate snacks for the day, workout longer than normal, drink lots of water to combat the sodium, order a salad with your meal, and don't weigh yourself for 3 days. I always have post-pizza bloat for a few days but it's never a "true" gain.