

  • Even if you are not hungry, drink a good protein shake. That way you'll properly increase your calorie intake as well as your protein, vitamins, etc.
  • If the group is still open ~ I'm in! CW 177 GW 155
  • I'm definitely in! I'm Deandra, wife, mother and grandmother to an amazing little guy. I've battled my weight for years and in 2006 had gastic bypass surgery; unfortunately, I've gained some of my weight back but at least this time I know I can lose it. Pre surgery weight was 244 Lowest weight after surgery was 135 Current…
  • Virginia Beach, VA
  • I had the surgery 5 1/2 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I know you've heard it a million times but believe me it's true ~ surgery is a tool, not the magic bullet. Stay focused, listen to your doctors (not family and friends that think they know what's best) and you'll be successful. Wishing you…
  • My signature line sums it up ~ tomorrow is a new day!
  • Yes, I had gastic bypass surgery in January 2006. Honestly, I didn't have a goal in mind, just knew I no longer wanted to be fat. Over the first year, I lost 105 pounds (starting weight was 244). At my lowest weight of 139, family members started complaining about me being too thin (funny how they never told me I was too…
  • I can't figure out how to post the pic on to the site so I made it my profile pic. It's my one and only, got her on the one year anniversary of my gastric surgery. Love it, just wish I could've put her some place where I could see her.
  • People talk about others to feel better about themselves. So, hold your slimmer more beautiful head up high and let them chatter. While they are reaching for another chip, you'll be reaching another terrific milestone in your life. Wishing you continued success on your journey!