REALLY messed up :(



  • sandvik21
    sandvik21 Posts: 4
    we all break .. tonight i ate not one but two frosted homemade brownies along with a hot dog and mac salad and a few other things... we know what were doing we know we shouldnt .. as long as it only one in awhile and we dont beat our self up over were ok.. i know i use to say oh well i already screwed up my diet today so who cares and i eat and eat some more before i know the weeks gone by and ill ive done is eat and beat my self up.. now i simly say im human i cant change 38 years of the way i ate over night it takes time. in steat of beating my self up ill go work out a little bit and say tomorrow is a new day. whats done is done you move on last week was last week if we all lived in the past everyones lives would be messed up. so start fresh tomorrow like i will and ill see you at the finish line .. best of luck
  • rwash0904
    rwash0904 Posts: 9
    What I am learning is that this is a marathon/ a life long change, therefore, we have to incorporate our normal lifestyle. I have not been 100% for three weeks because of normal life events, travel, grandkids soccer etc. therefore could not exercise and cook my regular foods. I decided so what. Tomorrow, I will be able to get back to my routine, and I am looking forward to it. I will not get on the scale for 3 weeks because I am looking great and feeling great as I am sure you are. This is not a sprint but a marathon. You have done a magnificent job, so start back tomorrow and Go Girl!!!!!!:love:
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over what you did but concentrate on now. You spent time with your Mom and enjoyed yourself. Now it is a new day and you will get back on track with tracking and exercise.
    You have done so well and you will again. As for the scale. If it was me. I would get on the scale now because it would definately get me back on track whether it was a loss or a gain. But everyone is different and if that wouldn't work for you then wait a week.
    Good luck with what ever you decide.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Be really good this week - make sure you drink heaps of water as well. Skip the weigh-in this week and weigh as normal next week. It won't be as bad as you think...
  • be_kris
    be_kris Posts: 47
    Don't worry about it, I've also lost 30 lbs, and sometimes I have weeks where I go over my calories EVERY DAY. I find drinking A LOT of water the next week, and watching what I eat, I end up breaking even. It's only 1 week, how many more weeks are left in your life? A meer 7 days is nothing compared to the rest of your life, and when you're done your weight loss, you're not going to remember this one week of endulgence. Everyone does it!! Remember the times fondly, and don't be so hard on yourself.

    I noticed you said the birthday cake is tempting. Just throw it out. I've found sometimes its a hard concept to think of, but throwing out food is better than trying to rationalize eating it so it doesn't go to waste. But if it's already made, it doesn't matter if it's eaten or thrown out.
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    i totally understand... i just finished a two week long 4th of July! (see my topic "Stick my nose in the corner")

    I guess all we can do is get back on that horse and ride again! We can do it!
  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    Thanks everyone! I AM going to get back on track tomorrow. No more birthday cake, no more left over chinese food. Tomorrow is a new day and I am going to get right back into my normal eating and exercising. My new goal is to lose the last 10lbs by 9/26 (my babys 1st bday). :)
  • DeandraLynn
    My signature line sums it up ~ tomorrow is a new day!
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    There's nothing wrong with celebrating. Just get back on track. Do a bunch of cardio, maybe ten more minutes a day than usual and just surround yourself with delicious fresh foods. In my family we believe in good, fun foods when we're together, but we all eat very healthy everyday meals. The point is, don't let it get you down. You're human and you had fun :)