meash82 Member


  • Hi there! I try to set myself a different challenge each week to mix it up. I might do a couple of 23hr fasts, a few 20hr fasts and a couple of 18:6 with a free day thrown in. I consider what is happening that week (a night out, a biryhday, friends round) and schedule my fasting around this It's not perfect, and I have…
  • Hello! Just rejoined MFP. Been doing intermittent fasting since June last year. Is this page active still? 🙂 Meash x
  • Thanks hon... and congratulations on your baba! Trying to be kind to myself but feel guilty every time I eat something bad.... keep panicking that it's having a bad effect on my baby. I don't want to diet, just reduce the rubbish! Enjoy your new little one x
  • Amazing! Thanks ladies..... will add you x
  • Sounds fab! I'm in the UK x
  • Hi...I'm in the UK too! Would be great to have someone to work with
  • Hi, I am a nursing student in the UK! I am just coming up to some exams so understand the stresses you are facing. I tend to drink alot of green tea. It is good for aiding weightloss and is good for your body as well. Maybe replace snacks with that? It might take a couple of cups to really get into it but it will be worth…
  • Hi there, I could definitely do with some friends for motivation! !!!! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I got married last September and it was absolutely wonderful. You will have a fantastic time. What a great motivater! I am really struggling to keep on track. Any of my friends who are dieting make it look so…