I'm just finishing week 2 of a similar program I found on fitness magazine online: My running is totally jogging at a slow pace for now...I don't think I could push myself more now if I wanted to. But I know I'll…
Experiment a bit. Start out with a cheat meal and on future cheat days you can gradually try to cheat more...I think the full blown cheat day is important (after a healthy, slow-carb breakfast) not only for the metabolism reset but also for the mental reset! Good luck :-)
I love turkey chili & buffalo chicken chili. I make a big pot on Sunday and it lasts all week. I'll eat it with green beans. If you're looking for something lighter then salad is the go-to meal. Just throw some black or kidney beans on top with some chopped chicken and all the healthy fixings.
I agree, the kettlebell swings are a fantastic way to get an all-over workout. I have a 35 lb one, which is the recommended weight for a woman with some exercise experience.
Yes. This is my little angel, Stevie, in the picture with me. He was 8 months old when he died in January of '09. I had finally taken off my baby weight and I would exercise alongside him as he bounced in his jumper or relaxed in his swing. It was devastating when my perfectly healthy son died for no apparent reason…
I'm a 36 year old mom and have been on the Slow Carb Diet (4 Hour Body) for 6 months. The results are terrific but very slow (I've lost 22 lbs). I love that there's a full-blown cheat day once a week! Feel free to add me :-)