

  • actions speak louder than words. don't tell him, show him. offer to buy him a coffee, soda or whatever.. if you are going out for lunch, ask if you could bring him back something, if he's busy... maybe just once , then let him respond. if he's interested he will reciprocate. if no response, let it go, if he's interested…
  • i don't drink the broth either. make the noodles with broth, then drain broth off. does anyone know if that changes the calorie content?
  • i had a friend who never used any dressings... i thought it was weird til i tried it,. now i notice all the flavors of the food i'm eating. if i do use dressing, it is very little or on the side..
  • hi. i'm patricia(pat)... my daughter told me about this site. once i tried it, i was hooked. it's a great motivator. so far my 1st 7 # are gone... good luck.