patrickca1942 Member


  • The minute you said he "sent" you to Walmart, warning lights went off in my head. Why can't he go himself? Did I miss a good reason in your post?
  • I actually have the same question. Some people are recommending toast, a muffin, or oatmeal. I'm trying to avoid bread, grains, potatoes, pasta, and rice. I tend to overdo it with eggs and am looking for an alternative for breakfast as well. I like some of these suggestions, especially the "eat dinner stuff for breakfast"…
  • Losing 73 lbs in six weeks is amazing. Thanks for posting your success. Very motivating.
  • I understand your hurt feelings. I can't help but worry that this would result in you wanting to stay at home inside instead. (crawl under the covers?) I know when I am out walking I feel better. When I stay in and sit around the house I feel tired and depressed. You were out walking and that is a good thing. It probably…
  • I agree! I love to check this site before going out to eat. Outback Steakhouse and Applebees are two places where you can get really good meals for under 500 calories, but if you don't know ahead of time, you could be ordering something with a ton of calories and not even know it.
  • It makes you wonder what can be in anything we eat or drink... Our community uses ground water which is tested regularly. The public has the right to know the water quality. Each household receives an annual report. Even so, I filter it in a Brita pitcher.