PainterB Member


  • Okay! I'll try again - I forgot what I was doing in March :laugh:
  • I'd like to get in on this, even though starting late. 10k/day is difficult with a sit-down job and plantar fasciitis for the past 9 months, but I will make my goal 7k for a bit and see where I land on average.
  • Take it from someone who has REALLY had some foot trouble as a result of not providing myself with decent exercise footwear in the past -- DO WHATEVER YOU CAN to find a reliable store that will assess your feet and exercise needs to help you into the most appropriate shoes for you. Shoes that are too small, are fad…
  • Thanks for the suggestion... I checked in at the site, it looks like just what I was looking for. Your picture suggests you are a walker?
  • OOOhhh! I knew I wasn't the only one out there! Thanks, everyone for the replies, it was very uplifting. I'd love to join the over 50's group....the posts I'm reading here sound a whole lot more like where I am coming from these days - health first, common sense, pleasure in life (and in my food and doing what I enjoy for…
  • I use the free Podrunner podcast for fast walking it - it has beats per minute (ranging from about 130 bpm to about 170 so anywhere from walking to running), is really more techno than what i usually listen to, but it's a fast easy download, free and I don't have to spend a lot of time thinking about it. Plus it's easy to…
  • 5-minute oats and eggbeater
  • I'm new and I'm in...sent my notice to jrdoty last week. Have been stuck for about 3 months, so a bit of a push will be good!