Over 50 and still at it....



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hiya, I'm looking forward to turning 50 in October and being in the best shape I've ever been!

    I did lots of ballet when I was little, and that flexibility is still with me. Plus I love any choreographed classes at the gym, as I still have my dancer's feel for music, and desire to perform.:wink:

    I find a lot of younger MFP users are really focussed on "vanity weight", wanting to look like Britney, or Gaga, so it takes a relaxed attitude to accept that there ae a valid range of motivations on here.

    Welcome aboard!
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,221 Member
    I'm 53 and trying to lose it and KEEP IT OFF this time. Yes, middle age has it's issues, but after seeing what diabetes did to my Mom, I'm convinced that I just can't continue to take good health for granted. Best of all, I enjoy my treats more, when I'm not mindlessly shoving them in my face. Good luck on your journey!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    ...Best of all, I enjoy my treats more, when I'm not mindlessly shoving them in my face...

    cannot tell you how many times i comment now to family that i truly enjoy what i am eating now... everything i am eating now... i get real pleasure from eating whereas i used to think i was enjoying the food i was eating way too much of all the time, now i KNOW i was wrong then.

    Nothing beats savouring the true delicious flavours of foods you KNOW are fueling your body and needs as well as tasting good!

    The two tiny squares i have every night, of my fave dark chocolate, taste better than any mars bar ever did!

    yay us!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,279 Member
    I am 58 and love this site. I have friends of all ages but lots are around my age. I started with Aquafit, and walking and I have added Zumba and am now doing C25K and am up to "running" for 25 minutes. I have found that by logging many of my habits have improved. Nothing is off limits but alot of things are not that worth it to me anymore. I am feeling healthier and more confident. Yes I agree that the issues are different for those of us that are almost or over 50 but we can achieve the goals we have to get as healthy as we choose. I wish you all the best on this site.
  • tula23
    tula23 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi PainterB ~

    Nope, you are not alone. I'm 51 and part of the F club. F for fabulous. LOL I was in the same rut. Late night snacking and not enough exercise during the day. Hence, I have found this great site. Please feel free to add me - tula23. :-)
  • PainterB
    PainterB Posts: 11 Member
    OOOhhh! I knew I wasn't the only one out there! Thanks, everyone for the replies, it was very uplifting. I'd love to join the over 50's group....the posts I'm reading here sound a whole lot more like where I am coming from these days - health first, common sense, pleasure in life (and in my food and doing what I enjoy for fitness).

    There is a freedom in this time of life that I don't think I had in my 20's, 30's, some of my 40's: it has to do with being true to myself and much less concerned with how I may appear to the outside world - like the 'vanity weight' melaniecheeks mentioned.

    I'll enjoy checking in with y'all.
  • PainterB
    PainterB Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion... I checked in at the site, it looks like just what I was looking for.

    Your picture suggests you are a walker?
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Love to see and hear the over 50 crowd! Losing the weight and keeping the weight off at 53 is soooo...hard! Like some of the other posts I have read I, too, deal with thyroidism, as well as very high blood pressure. Trying to keep on a regular exercise routine is difficult as I deal with some of the aches and pains of getting older but do get out and work with my dog daily.

    Something I am very interested in addition to everyone's weight goals are their heights. At 5'4" and at my age 115 pounds , I think, is too thin. Last year when I got close to my goal of 135 people were saying I was looking too thin in my face (even though the hips were still HUGE) so now I am rethinking my goal. How do others feel about this?

    Central Florida ..are there others in the area?
  • rozie229
    rozie229 Posts: 12 Member
    please feel free to add me as a friend! I am 56 and struggling!! Lost almost 50 on Weight Watchers and have gained back over 10. Trying desparately to get it off plus another 7.
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    Hi PainterB

    Looks like there's lots of 50+ folks here. I'm new too, 50, 4 kids, 2 grandkids, working, struggle abit more each year with the weight. Good to know I'm not alone.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome! :smile:
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
    I'm 50 so I'd love to have more friends that share my very same struggles!! Please feel free to add me. I can totally relate!!!
  • JoMFrasca
    JoMFrasca Posts: 61 Member
    I am well over 50 -- closer to 60. But I feel years younger. Just lost over 40 pounds over the last 4 months and am reclaiming my formerly active life. MyFitnessPal has been a valuable tool in my journey back to health. I would like to lose about 10 more, keep it off and get back in great shape. It may be harder to do in your 50's but by no means impossible!
  • saucysal
    OK! I only joined yesterday and for the next 3 weeks will be fairly busy with visitors. I am 63 next month and understand what you are saying about excercise regimes etc. I lost 46lbs 5 years ago with weightwatchers and excercise. The trouble is that for the last 2 years I have not really been able to excercise due to health problems so have gained 10kgs (about 22lbs, I think). Now I am unable to wear any of my clothes as I gave all my fat clothes to the charity shop I therefore HAVE to lose the weight. All those pretty summer dresses are hanging in the wardrobe accusing me. I would love some older friends at MFP to commiserate/celebrate with.
  • saucysal
    You are telling my story! :sad:
  • logcabinnut
    logcabinnut Posts: 4 Member
    I am 55 and just started MFP last week. I am trying to keep up with my 15 year-old daughter and she makes me TIRED! I have been overweight for a good share of my life. I have weighed 40 pounds more at one point but also weighed 40 pounds less. I managed to lose 40 on my own and now want to get rid of the other 40 with MFP and hopefully the encouragement of new friends I hope to make here.
  • jridgway49
    I just turned 50 in July lost 16 pounds than started on mfp in june, I have lost 16 more pds since starting here in June, Went from a size 12 in pants to a 4/6 and 1x in tops now in m/l. Still have another 26 pds to go, love the support and all the wonderful information, I exercise 5 days a week and am really getting into it. Lost my job a year ago and haven't been able to find employment yet. They say 50 is the new 30 !!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Just checking back in with all you beautiful 50 somethings!!! It's great to see so many women out there my age still working out and living healthy!! Any 50 + runners out there? A decade ago I ran (awesome for weight loss and control)......I have been trying to get back into it but my poor old body thinks otherwise lol. I feel like a plodding Clydesdale out on the trail. Not ever sure if it's good for me at my age!

    Anyway let's all stay motivated and keep on moving!!!
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 58 and never felt better. I run, bike, hike, swim, do yoga, elliptical and finally have the time to do it since taking an early retirement last year. Work was interfering with my fun time!
  • Babs0515
    Ok, I know a good thing when I find it. I am 57 and also on Weight Watchers. I am losing it slowly, but have decided to give myself a year to lose it. I have 52 lbs to lose and since the recommendation is 1lb a week. I make the journey one day at a time and since I have stopped smoking (9 years ago), I have almost allowed the weight to add up. I realized, I will never be 25 again, but I will never be 57 again either and I really do want to feel better than I do physically and emotionally and spiritually. Since my daughters are 37 and 33 I really need to face reality and admit that this time it is just harder, not impossible. Often I want to give up and say, who cares...but lots of people care. Almost at my first goal of 5%..... Thanks everyone.