alisha310 Member


  • I had issues over the holidays but thought I was keeping it together pretty good. Then when I started seeing a personal trainer, I went back to logging all of my food. I realized that I wasn't doing as well as I thought I was doing. This last couple weeks have been hard for me to really get on the right track but I am…
  • LinWin, When I got the Lapband, they push protein. Protein is what keeps you full. I am not sure if you like tuna but you can buy the small lunches of tuna which includes relish, low-fat mayo and wheat crackers. They push us to stay away from all the potatoes and stuff so try to find meat and veggies. One thing that I like…
  • I have the Zumba cds and they are pretty fun. I would love to join a Zumba class at the gym but money is so dang tight right now. The set of cds I got had the toning sticks which are basically just like 5 lbs weights but when you shake them they sound like marracas (sp?). So you have the weights without really thinking…
  • Courtney, P90X looks like it would so kick my butt and I am not willing to shell out that kind of money for that just yet. I also like the Insanity workouts. I have been really tempted to get those but again, I am just scared to spend the money for them. I just recently bought the Zumba workout videos. They are fun. I…
  • Hey everyone. I just thought I would jump on this board really quick. I have had the lapband as well and Debi and I know each other. I got in trouble last night because I haven't been signing onto myfitnesspal. It's all about accountability, right? So here I am checking out Debi's board. :) I had my surgery January 29th of…