Unconditional Support Group - March

debidoodle Posts: 65
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Helllooooo everyone!!!!

Last month was not a good month for our group and posting. Let's make this month better!!!

I know Maggs said she was blue and not wanting to bring everyone down but that's the entire reason we are here! To lift each other up and remind us why we are doing this. So lets have everyone chime in. Tell us what is going on with you and where you need some encouragement.

Me ...
My willpower has been non existent. It really has been ridiculous. I just couldn't stop putting crap into my mouth. Things I knew I wasn't supposed to have but kept telling myself "oh, just one won't hurt" but of course it wasn't ever only just one. But on Sunday, something clicked in my brain and I think it has started to make sense to me again. I did really good yesterday and really good so far today. My calories are where they need to be and all from good things. No candy, no junk, all good stuff.

One of my kitty cats hasn't been doing very well lately. He never was a big cat to begin with, normally around 11 lbs. Well, we noticed he starting losing weight and to make a long story short and many vet visits later, we have found out he has a gastrointestinal problem. He's currently on steroids and we are going to take him to get some shots of something (can't remember the word right now) to help him get his appetite back. He's gone down to 7 lbs which is not good at all for him!! Hopefully now he is on the mend and things will be looking up for him soon!

My Dad told me that he is retiring this year. He's a teacher, so he will finish out the year and then be done. Then he told me that they are putting their house on the market (they currently live in DFW not too far from where I live) and going to move to Conroe (just north of Houston) so they can be near their grandkids. Gee thanks. I see where I rate. I sort of thought this day would come but now that it is here, it is really hurting my feelings. I suppose I'll get over it, but its just one more thing that has been a factor in my poor choices lately.

That's mostly it from here in cowtown. OK - now your turn ... spill your guts!!!



  • I also have problems with my will power. But hope that soon My ticker can look as beautiful as yours does, with 101 down. That has encouraged me today . . . I am always here to support and encourage people, I am thankful to say that a lot of my friends on MFP are the same. Feel free to add me, you seem like a very encouraging soul.
  • alisha310
    alisha310 Posts: 5 Member
    I had issues over the holidays but thought I was keeping it together pretty good. Then when I started seeing a personal trainer, I went back to logging all of my food. I realized that I wasn't doing as well as I thought I was doing. This last couple weeks have been hard for me to really get on the right track but I am trying hard. Eating healthy and losing weight is so dang hard. I wish losing it was as easy as putting it on!!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hey ... that's great. Thanks for starting the new thread.
  • LucieBear
    LucieBear Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, well I have been doing pretty good with calories, but I just can't get up my lounge chair at night to exercise. Every day I say "Ok tonight I will exercise" but I never do. So for it is not hurting my losing weight but eventually I will need to get up and go.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi All!

    I am doing pretty good right now. I am in an upswing phase (I am bipolar) although not yet at the point where I am cleaning house manically...lol. But I am not in the winter dumps anymore which feels good.

    Also, the Nasonex is working so awesome. I can breathe!!!! And I'm not sneezing 20 times a day.

    I wish you all a happy, healthy week!

    Take care,
    ~ Datenshi ~
  • foodie012
    foodie012 Posts: 11
    Hi Debi, I'm kinda new here to mfp but I totally know what you mean. I find myself eating things I shouldn't be eating and get sooooo angry at myself! I tell myself that is shouldn't be that hard to NOT eat that _____ (fill in the blank), but yet, it really is hard! I had a bad weekend and i'm still pretty mad at myself about it but hopefully I can make it up to myself this week.

    Thanks for this new thread. Hope your kitty gets better.
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Glad to "see" so many people here. I have been MIA for a bit, but hopefully getting back in routine now. I had some family stuff going on. I have been eating ok recently, but at strange hours of the day which probably isn't that great. I've tried to keep a normal schedule but it has been difficult with all that is going on. Isn't amazing how good we feel when we do the right thing for a little while? I try to use that as my motivator. I really do feel better when i behave!! I'm going to try to remember that when I feel like "misbehaving!" Happy Wednesday to all!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Started the day with my feelings being hurt. Feel like such a girl right now. But I refuse to eat to feel better. Dangit ... why are people so mean sometimes? And why the hell do I care? There are a lot more nice comments coming my way then that one *kitten*'s comment so I'll just have to focus on that instead. Thanks for letting me rant my friends.
  • I totally know what you guys are talking about! I never realized how much I ate when I am bored, I am a stay at home mom and so I find it really hard to stay out of the fridge! Its not that I'm even eating that badly I just eat a lot! It is sooooo frustrating and I find I am getting extremely moody, ??????? I don't know?
  • Maggs - It is hard to hear nasty comments from people! I'm sorry you had to hear that first thing this morning. I always try to tell myself that the nasty comment isn't really about me. The person who delivered it is more than likely having their own issue and the only way they know how to deal with it is to lash out at others. I hope the rest of your day goes great because you are fabulous!!

    Welcome Kyla! I can imagine it is hard to be at home all day and stay out of the fridge. I know I have that problem when I am at home for a couple of days. Hang in there!

    Hi Jan! Glad to see you too :)

    Foodie - Glad you found us. Why is it that is seems so much easier to beat ourselves up for one bad choice than to congratulate ourselves for a good choice? Let's focus on that for today! I'm going to tell myself GOOD JOB! for having a small smoothie this morning instead of a medium or large. What about you???

    As for me ... I did really good yesterday with my eating. And the scale showed it this morning! This month is going to be crazy for me and I'm not going to use that as an excuse to make bad choices. "Normal" people do this all the time. So, I can do it too. Even though I will never be normal! Hahahaha! I'm totally OK with that though ... normal is overrated.

    What are your goals for today? My goal is to stay in my calorie range and maintain a positive attitude.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Deb,

    As I told you before I am right with you for Feb. I blame it on the weather and the Dentist. The M&M's were calling me all month. I too kept telling myself that only a few would be ok. But a few was 4 or 5 times a day.
    So I have started again to get my act together.
    I think the other part is that I feel and look so much better than I have in years and I am maintaining. Still have about 15 lbs. to lose. Of course Friday I had a tooth pulled so I did lose a lb. You know soft foods and liquids helps you do that.

    So now I am planning and so glade the weather is better. And of course our Birthdays are coming this month, need to celebrate. Non-food stuff. , will see you in two weeks.

    You are doing AMAZING. Conroe is not that far away. I have always been living in another state from my parents that is very hard as they got older, since my dad passed I try to go and visit my Mom once a year and have her come to my house once a year. I do have a borther that lives close so she is not alone.

    Well chin up everyone a new month and we are jogging for the wagon and are going to jump on board now.

    Have a Great Evening!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    My custom made orthotics finally came in. I wore them to go for groceries tonight and they sure feel funny. Like there's something in my shoe that shouldn't be there. Reminds me of the princess and the pea story. But he said I'll get used to them eventually. I can only wear them for short periods of time each day until I get used to them. He said it's like breaking in skates and if I wear them for too long too quickly they'll hurt my feet. I'm a bit impatient, I just want to break them in and get back to my hiking. But I'll take it slow like a good girl. Have any of you ever had to get used to custom orthotics? How long realistically will it take?
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    My custom made orthotics finally came in. I wore them to go for groceries tonight and they sure feel funny. Like there's something in my shoe that shouldn't be there. Reminds me of the princess and the pea story. But he said I'll get used to them eventually. I can only wear them for short periods of time each day until I get used to them. He said it's like breaking in skates and if I wear them for too long too quickly they'll hurt my feet. I'm a bit impatient, I just want to break them in and get back to my hiking. But I'll take it slow like a good girl. Have any of you ever had to get used to custom orthotics? How long realistically will it take?

    Hiya Magglett!

    I had orthotics done a few years ago and had the same issue. It lasted only a few weeks. The doc said it was because the orthotics were supporting my feet the way they were supposed to be supported and my feet had to adjust. They totally worked though and got rid of the foot pain I was having at the time.


    ~ Datenshi ~
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Oh negative people......that is such a hard thing to deal with. I try not to let those types drag me down. Hard to do! Hang in there!
    My brother made it through his heart surgery pretty well. I am still on edge, but things are going in the right direction. My schedule and routine is kind of messed up now, but I am taking care of my food choices and still trying to exercise.
    Hard to work, though. I feel so distracted. I'm glad everyone seems to be doing ok. Maybe we are all waiting for better weather?? Soon! This can't go on much longer, can it? Be well!
  • Maggs - I've not had orthotics before, in fact I'm not even sure I know what that is. Can you explain?

    Jan - glad to hear your brother made it through surgery. I'll keep your family in my thoughts for sure. I know how hard it can be to keep on track when routines get messed up. I'm clinging to my routine right now for dear life!

    Ann - 15 lbs to go?! That is great news :) Can't wait to see you on the 14th, we missed you last month!!

    I'm doing pretty good today. Last night was difficult, I wanted to eat and eat and eat. Today has been a little more of the same. But I am holding strong and staying on plan. I realllllllllly need to see some action on the scale come Monday, I feel like I've worked so hard this week, I want to see the results.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Maggs - I've not had orthotics before, in fact I'm not even sure I know what that is. Can you explain?

    My feet have been sore and it turns out that I have Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spurs. Orthotics are like insoles that are custom made for your particular foot problems. They make your feet sit where they are supposed to sit and work as they should ... I hope. It should correct my foot problems. Hope that clears it up for you my friend.

  • Oh, ok! That makes sense :) My Mom had Plantar Fasciitis many years ago. She was a teacher and one summer about 2 days after school got out, she went and had surgery on both of her feet at the same time so that she could sit and recover over the summer break! Thanks for sharing, and I hope it helps on your feetsies!!
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi All,

    Jan, Glade your brother came thru surgery, will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Maggs - that good they are helping, my husband wears them too.

    Deb, yep see you next Monday - I am down 1/2 lbs today, but I am going to wait till next week to weigh in.

    I am off to see friends this weekend and to go golfing, some fun exercise.

    I take it one day at a time. It is a struggle some days but others days things go fine.

    Weather is finally getting better and the sun is out..

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi my Unconditional Support People. I am so blue ... it's exhausting. I'm trying so hard to ignore it. Ugh! I have got to get physical, only then do I have a brighter outlook. That's it ... sore feet or no sore feet. I am going to get up and do something tonight. Even if it's just a walk around the block ... please send me positive vibes so I'll stay off of the couch tonight.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well ... last night's getting active just plain didn't happen ... it was a horrible week and I gave up. But today has been great so far. Eating is right on track, I've done some Wii Zumba, went to get tickets at the casino for the Jeffrey Steele show tonight, dropped a $20 in the 2 cent machine while I was there and walked out with $260. That rarely happens but I'm happy that it did :happy: I'm thinking I might just take the hubby out for dinner before the show. I hope all of my MFP friends are having a great weekend.

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