Unconditional Support Group - November



  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Ok time for me to ***** a little. I was doing so well! Feeling good, good report from the doc, things with my jobs were working out really well...I was finally relaxing a little. Maybe thats the problem. So over the weekend I ate a lot of bad foods for me. I felt bloated and just not good. But I kept eating. All through the weekend. Then I decided to chill and get back to what I am supposed to be doing. That worked for a day. Then some family stuff hit the fan and I feel upset and of course go to food. I am frustrated. I won't keep going with this because I don't want to bring the whole atmosphere down! Just needed to get it off my chest and most people don't understand anything about this dieting roller coaster. THANKS for reading this!!
  • xaviernelson
    xaviernelson Posts: 24 Member
    Courtney, you're right, P90X is very tough at the start, it's also tough in the middle and at the end :)
    There's a guy in my office who is a gym rat and very fit and he struggled on day 1.

    One of the lessons I had to learn personally is to allow myself to not be perfect and to forgive myself and just keep pushing.

    Hang in there,
  • What is P90X anyway??? I see a lot of folks talking about it. Didn't get in much exercise in the last two days thanks to the weather here (it makes my back ache too)!!!! But did do about 10 minutes tonight, better than nothing! What I would like help with is HOW TO AVOID THE WHITE STUFF!!! My husband is NOT on any diet and eats ONLY the white stuff - so if I cook spaghetti and I want wheat for me, I'll have to cook white for him! And he loves rice and potatoes - again i'd have to cook something else for me. I'm not psyched about having to essentially make two of everything just about every night - so i give in and eat the white stuff! HELP!!!!!!!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    profjan--It's such a roller coaster! Feel free to vent. And then come back here to get your unconditional positive support :)

    xavier--thanks. I've actually been really proud of myself for how well I'm doing with the program, I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was and that is a very fine thing. And I'm pretty sure the weight gain is my muscles holding onto water as they heal (ie. being sore), but it's still disheartening to see that number go up! But I'll just focus on the positive, like the fact that I slammed out more push-ups this week than last week, etc.

    LinWin--P90X is a 90 day, fairly intense dvd fitness program. It's 13 dvds with a different workout planned every day, and the before/after pics of the graduates are surreal. Clearly you need to catch up on your infomercials if you haven't heard of it, LOL! I'm loving the program so far (9days in), but it is definitely a HUGE time commitment (60-90 min per day), and basically, 90 days of hurt :noway: As for your non-dieting husband, I'm of the mind that beggars can't be choosers! If he doesn't want to eat what you cook, than he can feel free to cook something for himself! Then again, I'm no relationship expert! I've been fairly lucky that the man in my life doesn't mind a little healthy eating.
  • alisha310
    alisha310 Posts: 5 Member

    P90X looks like it would so kick my butt and I am not willing to shell out that kind of money for that just yet. I also like the Insanity workouts. I have been really tempted to get those but again, I am just scared to spend the money for them. I just recently bought the Zumba workout videos. They are fun. I decided that I may need a beer or two in order to move like they do, at least that is what happens when I go out.....LOL I guess the beer would defeat the purpose of working out though........LOL Anyway, I am trying to so hard to work some exercise into my program because I know it would help things come off quicker. Congrats on the Day 9, only 81 to go. :happy:
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    It's definitely expensive. I lusted after the dvds for over a year before ebaying them for half price. But even after 9 days I feel like it's worth every penny!

    I've been wanting to try zumba too, but have felt to cheap to pay for a class! Lol.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Zumba DVD's can be bought off of the internet now for not too bad a price, not as much variety as a live class but still way fun. I use my DVD when I can't get out to the gym. Man oh man. I hate PMS sooo much. The scale is just creeping up this week and it shouldn't be. I've been good since Friday man. Eating right and exercising ... Aunt Flo's visit is late this month ... she better get here soon!!! Hope you all have a great day.
  • alisha310
    alisha310 Posts: 5 Member
    I have the Zumba cds and they are pretty fun. I would love to join a Zumba class at the gym but money is so dang tight right now. The set of cds I got had the toning sticks which are basically just like 5 lbs weights but when you shake them they sound like marracas (sp?). So you have the weights without really thinking about that is what they are. Then you just shake them to the music and you are working out your arms. It is pretty fun. I love to dance and this is just way to get my dancing in without drinking all the alcohol to go with it..........LOL
  • xaviernelson
    xaviernelson Posts: 24 Member
    "I'll just focus on the positive, like the fact that I slammed out more push-ups this week than last week"
    That's the way to do it :)

    My wife has been interested in getting the Zumba DVD's, will have to take a look online to see where I can get them a bit cheaper. I think I too would have to have a couple of beers before I did it however lol. Might need to go with the lowcarb version maybe hehehehe.
  • Hi all! Thanks for the support! P90X will NEVER be on my list, not after all my back surgeries. I exercise but I have to be really careful and listen to my pain! It's a slow process but i can still lose weight and get in better shape-it will just take me longer! Any suggestions for things to eat toehr than the white stuff?? Even in trying to buy fozed lunches for work - like weight watchers or lean cuisine - they are ALL the white stuff! Much of it pasta! I don't always have leftovers for myself and salads at lunch don't last all afternoon! Any suggestions?????? Thanks much!
  • alisha310
    alisha310 Posts: 5 Member

    When I got the Lapband, they push protein. Protein is what keeps you full. I am not sure if you like tuna but you can buy the small lunches of tuna which includes relish, low-fat mayo and wheat crackers. They push us to stay away from all the potatoes and stuff so try to find meat and veggies. One thing that I like to do is take a pint of cottage cheese and mix a package of dry Hidden Valley Ranch in it. Then I cut up some celery and use the cottage cheese as a dip with the celery. I am not a big cottage cheese eater and that is pretty much the only way that I will eat it. If you have to eat a salad, try getting grilled chicken on it and that will help. Also, I have been told that it isn't bad to snack, you just need to choose what you snack. It is suggested to eat string cheese or something like that as a snack. With that the cheese is counted as protein. They recommend for bansters to eat at least 60-70 grams of protein a day. Turkey, chicken, and fish are your high proteins. Eggs are also good protein as well. I hope this helps. I know you may not be banded but it is still a good "diet" to follow.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning All ... I hope you're doing well. I'm feeling pretty good about this week. After a terrible fall off the wagon day on Friday, I picked myself up and got back on the wagon. It's so easy for me to say ... to heck with it ... I just can't do this. But this time I put it in my head. The past is the past ... the future is what I make it to be. And it worked. Eating right, drinking my water, planning ahead, being very active. It kind of makes me feel high you know? Woo Hoo!!

  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    Yes, I know what you mean. WOOHOOO for getting back on the wagon. I think you will need to slow it down a little so I can jump on. the week is almost over. Work has been so stressful this week. I just want to eat all the chocolate I can get my hands on. But alas I did not do that. I did however, eat 4 mini Oreo's and that seem to calm me down.

    Now going forward. The weather is getting cooler , which is a good thing for walking outside.

    Everyone is doing so well and the ones doing the P90X worked out, that is great.

    Well have a great day.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I was down another 1/2 lb this week. Slow and steady slow and steady.
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    Love the picture of Slow and Steady. Thats great!

    Happy Friday!!!!!

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • Thanks Alisha! That was helpful. I have to actually start keeping track of my proteins b/c right now I have no idea how many grams of protein (or anything else for that matter) I get a day. And I always thoought the "filling" foods was the fiber!!!!! I'm also trying to increase my activity level and I bought a pedometer recently. I'm no where near 10K they say you have to walk to lose weight, but today I did 4430, so I'm almost there! (And this was a lot of walking for me!!!) My feet are killing me!!!!
    HAPPY WEEKEND!!!!!!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    The last couple of days have been so slow at work .. I'm a mail clerk and a print shop assistant and when it's busy it's a very active job. But when it's slow ... it's very sedentary. So to make up for sitting on my butt all day at work I've been doing a lot of Zumba classes. There wasn't one tonight ... so I just finished a Zumba DVD. I'm pretty proud of that. Might have been easier to sit on the couch. But I got up and moved. Woo Hoo. I'm going to Toronto tomorrow to spend the day shopping, then we're meeting our kids for dinner, then to the theatre production of Wicked. All in all it should be an awesome day. What's your weekend plans?
  • Hey friends,

    I really need some encouragement and support right now. I haven't been on much in the past week and a lot of it is because I'm embarrassed of how bad i've been eating and i can't bring myself to log it and face my demons. I had a little bit of a nervous breakdown earlier. I just burst into tears and couldn't stop for a while.

    I wish I could say what has gotten me off track but the truth of it is that it is just me and my old, bad habits. I've been quite stressed out with work and a few other things over the past couple of weeks and instead of sucking it up and finding good ways to relieve my stress, i've fallen back into my bad habits of eating way too much sugar and carbs. So not only do I feel stressed now, I also feel guilty and ashamed and just overall icky.

    Obviously being banded, I can't be TOO terrible. I mean, I've not gotten sick or anything ... so there is that one piece of good thing to hold on to. But I've really been making poor choices. I keep saying "oh, I'll get back to the correct stuff tomorrow" and then tomorrow never happens because it is always "tomorrow" and never today/right now. I KNOW what I need to do. I just can't seem to make myself do it. I keep thinking that all this stress will pass and then it'll get back to normal, but I know that is just an excuse I'm using.

    I need someone to pull a Cher/Moonstruck move on me!!!

    Thanks for listening (i.e. reading).
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Darling Debidoodle ... YOU'VE LOST 100+ POUNDS!!! You're doing great. Get yourself out of the old habit cycle and back onto the health train ... you can do it! You know you can you know you can you know you can you know you can. (does that sound like a train to you? The health train? Hurry up ... jump on!!) But seriously, I'm so proud of what you've done and when you report on this thread I am encouraged by you. Even when you ask for encouragement and support ... I think. Wow, someone who's come this far still goes through what I go through so I'm really now alone in this. Thanks for that my new friend. You can do this just force yourself back at first then it will happen without so much effort ... as you already know ... but if you need reminding ... there you go :flowerforyou:
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