Unconditional Support Group - November



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone... yesterday was AWESOME!!! The whole day was great with shopping the markets, to a nice family dinner (and I made the healthy food choice) and then to top it all off ... WICKED!! It was Brilliant. If you can go see it I say go ... it's well worth it. A great memory :happy:
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    Sorry, that was operator error. You can do it Deb look how far you have come. You are human and its only been 11 months. Things in the head don't happen over nite. I am where you are. Still wanting to lose that 20 lbs. I think I know better now not to go for the big number. Say 5 lbs. and then I will do that.
    As for Stress yep work causes alot.
    I am sorry you are so stressed you are crying, sometimes that can help.

    I have FAITH in you and so admire what you have accomplished. I am a supporter and friend.

    You are the BEST!!!!!! I am the BEST!!!!! We all are the BEST!!!!

    Take care
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Hi Everyone...Debi you have lost so much weight! An incredible accomplishment. So, you are off your game for a few days. You will get back to it! Apparently, you know how. Don't beat yourself up about it.
    Mag, sounds like a great weekend! Ann, I like the idea of smaller goals. Don't you think it is easier to achieve those? I do. I think those big numbers are way toooooo scary!
    Doing ok here. Bad eating weekend. I made dinner for friends and made lasagna. That is such a no-no. But it didn't end there. They brought amazing cheesecake and I had some. Now here is the kicker.....I don't even really eat cheesecake!!! But I had a craving for sweet and I guess that was it. No excuses, right?
    Trying to behave myself this week. One day at a time....
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Debi--Ditto to what everyone else said, and to add to it: we're all on this journey together! That's kind of the idea of this unconditional support group, right? So there's no shame in admitting whatever you need to admit. Hey, there's no shame in slipping into old habits, either, we're only human! So with that being said, welcome back on track :bigsmile: We missed you here!

    And this goes for everyone else too! No shame! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • debidoodle
    I feel so lucky to have you all! Thank you a million times over for everything that was said. We ARE all on this journey together and we will all make it! Today is a new week. No more crying! No more whining! That is a promise :)

    Hugs and Kisses to everyone ... We are going to succeed!

    Have a great day everyone :)
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    You are so right. Small goals seem to work better. At least in my mind. So I am going to do that and one day at a time works best too.
    If you keep your portion size in check you can eat about anything. Cheesecake is gone. And this is a new week.

    Yippee for new beginnings.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Ugh, I'm definitely feeling down today. I've plateaued hardcore. For MONTHS I've been hovering around 163, and it doesn't seem to matter what I do or don't do. I'll go down 1 or 2 or up 1 or 2. I'm doing everything right, according to the numbers. My next step, I guess, is to get a heart rate monitor so I can actually see how many calories I'm burning at any given time and get even more specific with the numbers... but they're so dang expensive!

    In a week and a half I'm due to take my progress photos for p90x (it'll be 30 days in, by then), so hopefully I'll see some improvement (even if it isn't on the scale).

    Sorry to be such a downer today :ohwell: Hope everyone else is having a great Tuesday!
  • debidoodle
    Courtney - I think with P90X you would be feeling different/better and your clothes would fit better, but might not necessarily see a giant movement on the scale. Being a mere 8 lbs from goal I know its got to be so frustrating!! Hang in there :)

    Ann - thanks, I needed that ;) I did much much better yesterday and am even doing better today.

    Everyone should make it a goal to laugh out loud at least once today!!!

    Talk to y'all later
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi everyone, I haven't posted in awhile. I recently discoverd Zumba classes and I LOVE 'em! They are just plain fun, no dread factor!

    I''ve lost 8 lbs in the last 5 weeks then gained back two from getting back on the diet coke thing, drinking coffee with flavored creamer again and a few days of eating lunch out. I"m not gonna sweat it, I know with just a few tweaks I will be right back on track. I"m making good progress these days, even though my progress is slow, its still progress!!

    I haven't been logging my food an exercise on MFP, I keep a journal on my computer, it just works better for me as we aren't really supposed to be on the web at work.

    Stay the course everyone! It will be so worth it.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good morning everyone. So how is everyone doing these days? This week has been going well so far. Was able to make healthy eating choices and stick to my exercise plans. If life would stay calm like this all the time I might not have such a challenge with my weight loss goals. :laugh:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning all. This morning was my weigh in day. I'm down 2.5 lbs this week ... Woo Hoo :happy:
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    That is AWESOME!!!!! Doing the Happy Dance for you.

  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Great mag!!! You must feel terrific! I haven't stepped on the scale in a bit. I'm chicken! I have been very wishy washy with this and need to focus much better. I'm always glad to share in someone's success!
    Have a great weekend everyone! Thanksgiving is right around the corner. What are all your plans???
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Us Canadians have had our Thanksgiving already back in October so we're okay with the upcoming weekend. But I do live near a boarder so Black Friday is quite tempting. My budget might suffer more then my calorie count :laugh: . When my Thanksgiving came along I gave myself a break. I went to my daughter's place for a visit with her and her new husband in Ottawa. She made a lovely turkey dinner with all the fixens and it was awesome. I didn't think too much about what I ate but I did make sure we all did some hiking that weekend to work some of the yumminess off. I don't know where she learned to cook like that but I'm sure glad she learned. It was awesome. I hope all of my American MFP friends have an awesome Thanksgiving with all of their loved ones.
  • LinWin
    Hi everyone! I haven't logged on for three days (or logged my food intake!!) as I've been on a business trip to Atlanta GA. Being provided lunch and eating out every night-I can hardly wait to get on the scale on Monday morning! (I have made that my weigh in day-and then I log it under weight tracker to stay true to myself). The trip to Atlanta was awesome, lots of great ideas for my work, but I spent two full days either walking or standing and it did my back in! I hurt everywhere!!!!!!! Getting in some exercise now that I'm home will be tough! But I'm not going to sweat it! I did buy some new headphones and have a new pedometer, so I'll start fresh on Monday - after I rest up this w/e!!!!! This Thanksgiving I'm having family (both sides-11 in all) to my house to watch the game and eat! All I'm doing is the turkey and some mashed potatoes-everyone is bringing something. My fear is that we will have WAYYYYY too much food as we usually do! Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... well I went above and beyond today toward my exercise for this weekend. I just completed an awesome hike. My legs feel pretty weird right now. My BFF and I just hiked a section of the Bruce Trail from Queenston Heights park to Woodend Conservation area. It took us 3 hours and according to my HRM I burned 1570 calories. Holy Moly Man ... don't think I'll be able to eat all of those exercise calories ... but I do think I earned a little something extra on my dinner dish tonight. Woo Hoo.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hey group. I had a sad week, I lost my grandfather on Thursday. I know he was ready to go, he had been struggling for awhile and we've been expecting it for a long time now, but it's still, of course, a shock. He was in Albuquerque (I'm in LA), and they're kind of hippies over there and are not doing a traditional funeral, but I'm trying to figure out how to get there. Driving isn't really practical because since I sprained my back in June, I can't easily sit in a car for that many hours, but flying (last minute, thanksgiving week, not a major hub city) would be about $600 which I unfortunately don't happen to have lying around. It's so horrible to have to worry about organizational things when you're grieving.