stmaurice Member


  • See if you can find a body fat weight scale. It will tell the percentage body fat you have. If you've lost that much weight, you might be at a point where you are building muscle, which weighs more than fat, especially when you're working hard. Could be water intake too. I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless you're…
  • I agree. There's weight loss in the immediate, but there's also sustainable life changes that will play a much bigger role in your future weight and health. Be patient; you'll loose weight slowly, and keep it off too. It's not a race.
  • I guess you could always wear a heart rate monitor on your chest and figure out your caloric loss that way... but that's not really sexy...
  • This sounds like a good time to consult a professional dietitian!
  • I've tried low cal and low carb. Low carb is really hard to deal with in terms of cravings and stuff. Not really healthy either (you can google tons of info to that effect). My "good news" is that I'm getting the same results on low cals as I did on low carb. If you use MyFitnessPal to track your calories (REAAALLLLLY…
  • Howdy! You should book an appointment with your doctor. Blood work will let you know if you have metabolic syndrome or issues with insulin. If you have either, you'll need to be followed by a medical professional... - Justin