jfloyd7 Member


  • I think you may have hit the nail on the head there. Not everyone on food stamps, but at least a majority. The fellow that said something about poor people are generally uneducated etc, is sort of hitting on the same point .... Knowing that you can't support yourself and/or your family without assistance is and/or should…
  • I've always heard and read that you should always do strength training before cardio ... But, I'm a carpenter, not a trainer, so what do I know?
  • I started 7th grade with my favorite song being Motley Crue - Kickstart my Heart. At the end of 7th grade, it was Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  • Some of my friends are vegans, and have been for several years. You have to work into it. You can't just say "from now on I'm vegan". It takes some time to make the full transition. That's what all the successful vegans (meaning they're still vegans) I know say anyway.
  • I agree with this. Side note, its not as fun to watch as one might expect. That said, I still DVR it and watch when there's nothing else on. I also agree that if adult women are choosing to do it, it can't be that bad.
  • "Trash" - a chocolaty sugared up version of chex mix, several bags of chips (any and/or all flavors), and about 48 - 12 oz cans of beer. Any beer except Budweiser. I haven't had a beer since 1998. I miss it.
  • I pretty fond of Vicodin, but I don't think we're talking about the same thing.
    in pills? Comment by jfloyd7 October 2011
  • I'm a carpenter and manufacturer of sorts. I build road cases -- The cases you see the stagehands pushing around full of gear at concerts, corporate events, and generally on the back of the stage off to the left and right side of drummers, etc.
  • I was gonna say this too. This bothers me so much! Bad grammar as a whole drives me bananas. Some others are: -When someone slides a fork or spoon across their teeth -People who slurp. More specifically people that slurp coffee or soup -People who are routinely late -When someone continuously makes the same mistake over…
  • Charlotte
  • Charlotte
  • If anyone cares... I just (like one minute ago) read that as of 9/12/11 Johan Lindstrand is back in The Crown, returning the band to its original 5 members. They will be playing a couple shows in Sweden this year, recording a new album in early 2012 (!!!!!!!!!!!), and hitting the European festival circuit next year. There…
  • and Soilent Green. Good band not many people ever talk about.
  • I could tell you were from NC and/or somewhere really close when you said Weedeater. I saw them a few months ago in Charlotte, with ASG. Good times. I also sat next to Dixie from Weedeater at the Metallica/Lamb of God/Gogira show in Charlotte back in 09. That was kinda cool. For the record, Pantera = the best band ever.…