

  • When I lost about 20 pounds, one of my students said, "Has your head gotten bigger?"
  • What are your motivators? What is before you that brings you an inner passion to lose weight and get healthy?
  • After not eating between dinner and breakfast, many people opt to do cardio in the AM before they eat anything for breakfast because everything burned is coming from stored fat instead of what may be in your stomach. It is true, but some have symptoms such as weakness, shakes, etc. You try it, if you feel ok, make sure you…
  • Hey guys, I started on Monday! I am 29 years old and 70 pounds overweight! I am your typical individual whom has yo-yo deited for about 7 years. I got married in August of 2000 and gained 100 pounds in about 3 years. I finally grasped that it needs to be a lifestyle change and a lifestyly that is honoring to God with the…