greylady3 Member


  • I'm just starting, but I wouldn't even think of trying that at my age. When I was a youngster I did those diets, but starving all the time sucks. I'm not get enough exercise yet, but I loathe exercise except walking and I either have to be up at the shriek of dawn to walk now or use my treadmill, where I can at least read…
  • Just tried your cucumber water and am drinking some now. Very refreshing. Thanks for posting.
  • Hello, me too. Hoping this will work for me. I like the layout. Not so complex as some of the other sites I've tried. Doesn't take me half the day to record my meals. Very user friendly, I think. :happy:
  • Thanks, all. I decided to start this while I have a week off and with a medical exam. Almost all my medical issues can be resolved by losing weight except the COPD and thyroid. So, I'm going in the fray again. I appreciate the support.
  • Rooiboos herbal tea. Comes in lovely flavors and naturally without caffeine. I drink gallons of it. My fave is Almond. It's also good hot and you can drink it right up to bedtime without having to worry about losing sleep.
  • Buy a roasted chicken at the grocery store, skin it and take the meat off to use in salads or tacos or whatever recipe you have that calls for cooked chicken. Sometimes I do this on the weekend and then use it during the week for various recipes.