People don't really eat like that...



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    OP- I agree. Last time I asked this question I lived to regret it.....lots of people seem to think that is something that will work for them long term. Maybe they're right. I'm not trying it to find out. I can't stand egg whites and protein shakes.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I see just about as many people who post "Real Food" as who do not. Because of my work schedule and the fact that I am expected to eat with my Clients and I want to eat with my Family, sometimes my Lunch and Dinner combinations look sort of weird.
    I do worry a bit when people post that they only drink 2--3 cups of water. I hope that they are drinking other beverages and just not counting it as water.
  • KaylaShianne
    3 oz. of chicken and a cup of carrots? No probably not. A large plate of chicken and veggies? Yes, that is maintainable. I eat egg whites, I eat fruit, I eat vegetables, and I eat lean meats. How is that not maintainable?

    Chicken and fish can be quite yummy with proper seasoning! I also make yummy chili thats great for you!
    Your welcome to look at my diary- I think the way I eat daily is very manageable, but I did cut out most carbs so I can eat a mostly paleo diet. (Cutting carbs can really speed up fat loss, but after a bit you need to add them back in through fruits and whole grains).
    I even allow myself a treat most days! Today I had dark chocolate covered almonds. they were delicious!
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    The only reason I don't eat a lot is because I'm not doing so well exercise-wise due to pain in my knees at the moment. If you aren't doing the work, you have to sacrifice some favorite foods. I don't see it as an issue right now, simply because I know soon I can get back on the elliptical. Plus, I'm taking full advantage of not being hungry! I'm not going to force myself to eat junk if I'm not craving it. I really AM eating like that! Lol! I'm anxious to get back to cardio, but I'm letting myself heal first. :)
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I'm down 12 lbs total (I lost 5 before I started on this site). And I don't have any off limit foods. I just try to eat them in moderation. You can add me as a friend if you want to see my food diary.

    I do try to eat more fruits and vegatables, but my dinner is generally the same stuff I ate before - maybe just a little modified and a little smaller portions.

    FYI - I am an intermittent faster so I only consume calories during 8 hours of the day which allows my meals to be a little larger.
  • greylady3
    greylady3 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm just starting, but I wouldn't even think of trying that at my age. When I was a youngster I did those diets, but starving all the time sucks. I'm not get enough exercise yet, but I loathe exercise except walking and I either have to be up at the shriek of dawn to walk now or use my treadmill, where I can at least read a book while exercising. I usually eat at least 8 ounces of chicken, some fruit and veggies. I also eat ground sirloin and and use real salad dressing on my salad and real blue cheese. I may not lose fast, but the chances I will keep this up are a lot better than if I were eating egg whites (yukko) and 4 ounces of chicken. Excuse me now, but it's time for my 2 squares of dark chocolate.:happy:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I eat a lot of chicken because it's delicious, but usually 6-8 oz at a time. Typically with some sort of veggies and some form of carbs (bread, rice, pasta, potato).

    I adore pizza and eat it a least once a week, and not some thin crust thing with a ton of veggies and no cheese. That's not a pizza. That's a cracker with veggies on top! :laugh:
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    A lot of people don't give up the foods they like. I personally have and have had zero regrets or hard times about it. I love chicken haha so no problems there but I eat fish and sometimes beef even go veggie once in a while. I stopped drinking my calories the only liquid that enters my body is water, tea, or Fat free milk. That will give you more calories to play with. Just find what works for you and take a look around at more diaries to see whats up.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    i eat like that and i eat way more than 3 oz of chicken and baby carrots. in fact, i dont eat carrots cause of the high sugar content. i don't eat enough veggies, granted, cause i don't like them. but i eat good and i feel great.

    Yup me too. I eat like this 99% of the time. I also don't eat carrots because of the sugar.

    So how do I eat? Well, my diary IS public (caveat -yesterday I went to Six Flags that was the old me - all other days are the new me).

    I find eating clean completely maintainable because it makes me feel awesome. And as someone once told me - eating boring food will give you a very exciting body.

    Of course, if you just take the time to learn and get creative with herbs and spices you can make boring fish, turkey, and chicken and veggies and whole grain VERY exciting.

    So, if you want to know if REAL PEOPLE really do eat the way you suggest, then yes they do. It's a complete 180 from how I used to eat but now I'm nearly 50 lbs lighter, more muscular and more energetic and I won't ever have it any other way.

    You can do it too, but like all things in life. It's a choice. And it's COMPLETELY up to... you. :flowerforyou:

    Edited to add: PS - there's nothing wrong with supplements and protein shakes. If you don't like them - you can maintain and lose weight without them, but for some people (yours truly) they are exactly what they are called, a SUPPLEMENT. I enjoy the benefits I get from supplementing my health with a multivitamin, fish oil and a protein shake every day. To me the protein shake is a delicious treat (like a milkshake)

    Sorry - had to throw that in. :)
  • JoyK76
    JoyK76 Posts: 26 Member
    I am of the opinion that I do best when I lose weight slowly, eat balanced meals and add activity. I have done a couple diet programs. One I lost like 45 lbs in 5 months and had to cut out SO much "real" food. I bounced back all my weight and then some. The other program I could eat what I wanted and had to keep my points within a range and I still lost 40 lbs in like 6 months. Now I'm not on a specific "program" but I make myself track my food as much as I can to keep myself accountable. I'm not always the best at it but I do notice a difference when I try to incorporate 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies in my day. Eat lean meats. Portion control, portion control, PORTION CONTROL! That was always my hardest hurdle to overcome but I am slowly learning how to enjoy those foods that I love in more appropriate portions. I have hated exercising with a passion in the past but now I am slowly gaining an appreciation for it. These are the habits that I feel best benefit my body overall and for long term goals to be achieved. I believe one must keep in mind...its not a race, its a lifestyle. And there is NO way I could sacrifice mexican food on a weekly basis so I have to try and keep it real! :)
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I wish i got a chicken breast and veggies some days.
    I need somebody to cook for me to every day.

    I do more fruit than I should and not enough veggies because fresh ones are expensive and canned ones have a lot of sodium. Frozen ones taste yucky.
    I probably don't eat enough meat because I don't like to cook so I get my protein from nuts and protein supplements : /
    I don't eat very 'clean' because I don't cook. I have a lot of canned soup, wheat crackers, wheat thins, and a lean pocket every once in a while.

    I do just fine though. About a pound week so far give or take a less. Pretty good considering how close I am.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    I adore pizza and eat it a least once a week, and not some thin crust thing with a ton of veggies and no cheese. That's not a pizza. That's a cracker with veggies on top! :laugh:

    Hahaha :)
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    So, I've been looking around at people's open food diaries, particularly people who have posted in the "Success" threads and seen great progress. Most of the diaries I've looked at are pretty empty...a lot of chicken (yuck) and vitamins, a few protein shakes and egg whites (yuck). I'm not knocking anyone because I'm certainly not seeing the success that others are, but I have to ask: Who eats like that in real life? And, can you really expect to maintain the weight loss if you lose it by eating only 3 oz of chicken and some baby carrots every day?

    Any OTHER suggestions for success, or am I just wishful thinking? :ohwell:

    I've only lost 10+ and I'm losing SLOWLY but I eat in a way that I can maintain. I eat a regular dinner with my son, but use portion control, and I have oatmeal for breakfast nearly every day. I don't eat "bad" stuff, for the most part, but allow myself chips, salsa and margaritas on Fridays :) Again, I'm losing SLOWLY. I wonder how people can maintain some of their eatings habits, as well.


  • MoMoves
    MoMoves Posts: 36
    I am a Mom to two picky eaters, trying to introduce my whole family to a healtheir way of eating...and yet I still need to feed them! And sitting down to family meals with them is important. So certainly don't eat like the way these people are talking about! More power to them, I like food too much to be that strict about it.

    I lost my first bit of weight by cutting out the junk foods, beverage calories, adding more fresh foods (vs. processed), learning how to subsitutue leaner products when I can, and...most of all, learning PORTION CONTROL. I was eating to much of everything! While I have learned to like a lot of new healtheir recipies (mostly thanks to "Taste of Home's - Healthy Cooking" magazine), I also enjoy old favorites....just in smaller portions.

    Don't be have to find what works for you...and plain chicken, eggs whites and protien shakes just might not be it!
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Depending on your goals in life, it's ABSOLUTELY decision to be on a strick menu. If you simply want to lose weight to be at a comfy place then yes you can have a more versatile diary.

    For those of with goals who want to compete in any thing have a more strict way to eat, when, how much. It's a way of life and everyones is different.
  • skinnimini16
    Depending on your goals in life, it's ABSOLUTELY decision to be on a strick menu. If you simply want to lose weight to be at a comfy place then yes you can have a more versatile diary.

    For those of with goals who want to compete in any thing have a more strict way to eat, when, how much. It's a way of life and everyones is different.
    well said!!
  • skinnimini16
    Everyone does things differently. Personally i love foods like chicken, egg whites, almonds, and fresh fruits and veggies. i can do without all the junk:) but thats just me.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    my diary is open, too.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    umm. girl you NEED to add me! I eat a lottttt! =] check out my diary :D !
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    feel free to look at mine i generally eat alot and mostly the same food i used to just altered lost 41lbs and im only 5ft 3!!! SW:182 CW:141 GW:125 or less