

  • Here's my before/after pic from my first round of P90X, which ended this past April. It was a good time! haha
  • except cellulose :wink:
  • As long as you aren't downing fruit all day I really wouldn't worry about it. Remember there is more to health than the scale number going down (which will happen regardless with a healthy lifestyle). The benefits of fruit and veggies in a diet goes far beyond how much sugar they contain; fruits and veggies are great…
  • @FaugHorn haha yes the superman banana sequence is a classic. Core Synergistics, if you haven't done it already (not familiar with the Lean schedule), will be a blast if you liked that sequence.
  • Great job on completing your first day! I also agree on not focusing on the numbers, just remember that muscle weighs more than fat! Also, are you following the schedule? I only ask because you said you did shoulders and arms first while I think I remember Chest and Back to be the first workout. Todays workouts for me was…
  • Nice! Your body might rebel against you (especially after what your going to put it through tomorrow haha) but just keep pushin play!
  • Love P90X, results of my first round of it were amazing. I'm currently in a hybrid program of P90X and One on One with Tony Horton to get prepped for P90X2 this fall. Today was Plyo X!
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