*NEW* P90X August Group



  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Yay Day 2 Cardio X done! Tonight will be Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X

    I actually had a lot of fun yesterday, when it was banana superman time I kept saying it after him real loud, freaked out my dog AND my husband :) banana BANANA superman SUPERMAN lol (guess you had to be there)
  • omgadam
    omgadam Posts: 7
    haha yes the superman banana sequence is a classic. Core Synergistics, if you haven't done it already (not familiar with the Lean schedule), will be a blast if you liked that sequence.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Core Synergistics was Day 1 and I HATE them but it was easier when I made it a game :)
  • star727
    star727 Posts: 5
    I have to say I am loving P90x! Even if my son tells me I look funny.. lol.. How are you guys doing with it? What is your favorite so far?
  • jrax1
    jrax1 Posts: 6
    Quick question - are the P90X workouts listed in the database anywhere so that we could add them to the exercise diary? Just curious. Thanks!
  • star727
    star727 Posts: 5
    I haven't found any. If you happen to find them let me know..
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