Why do Fruits Have so Much Sugar



  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    I agree with the posts that say "sugar is sugar". If your concern is that your diet is high in sugar then fruits are probably not your best choice for carbs. Fructose will still cause a significant insulin spike when consumed in high amounts (most fruits have high amounts). Fruits do have very good nutrition values and health benefits, but the idea that its sugar its different from other sugar because of this reason makes no sense. A bit extreme, but still good guide to manage your sugar/insulin levels throughout the day:

    Must-have carb sources: green veggies (broccoli, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, celery, asparagus, etc.)

    Can-have carb sources: other veggies (except potatoes), berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc.)

    Occasional carb sources: Other fruits

    Rare carb sources: brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, cream of wheat, potatoes, yams

    Should-avoid carb sources: white bread, white pasta, oatmeal

    Must-avoid carb source: pastries, cookies, candy and any other junk sugary food

    Awh heII I'm screwed! I eat oatmeal every day, Whole wheat and rice every day, fruit twice a day (sometimes three), very few berries, and I should definitely work in more veggies.

    There is more than one way to skin a cat. If you're losing weight and still eating fruit, then keep eating fruit. If you're not losing weight and stop eating fruit and then start losing weight again, don't eat fruit. Find what works for you and stick with it.
  • MrCake
    MrCake Posts: 53
    I agree with the posts that say "sugar is sugar". If your concern is that your diet is high in sugar then fruits are probably not your best choice for carbs. Fructose will still cause a significant insulin spike when consumed in high amounts (most fruits have high amounts). Fruits do have very good nutrition values and health benefits, but the idea that its sugar its different from other sugar because of this reason makes no sense. A bit extreme, but still good guide to manage your sugar/insulin levels throughout the day:

    Must-have carb sources: green veggies (broccoli, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, celery, asparagus, etc.)

    Can-have carb sources: other veggies (except potatoes), berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc.)

    Occasional carb sources: Other fruits

    Rare carb sources: brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, cream of wheat, potatoes, yams

    Should-avoid carb sources: white bread, white pasta, oatmeal

    Must-avoid carb source: pastries, cookies, candy and any other junk sugary food

    Awh heII I'm screwed! I eat oatmeal every day, Whole wheat and rice every day, fruit twice a day (sometimes three), very few berries, and I should definitely work in more veggies.

    There is more than one way to skin a cat. If you're losing weight and still eating fruit, then keep eating fruit. If you're not losing weight and stop eating fruit and then start losing weight again, don't eat fruit. Find what works for you and stick with it.

    I agree, people will react differently to carbs, it is a matter of trial and error. As I said, this guide is pretty extreme for most people (I have followed it with great results), but it is a good way to put things into perspective.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    You should still try hard to get fruit into your diet. Don't cut them out.

    Honestly I don't pay attention to which I eat. I just eat whichever I want. Or else I probably wouldn't eat any. Right now I have honeydew, nectarines, plums and oranges in my fridge. That's just what I feel like eating.

    But I will say if you looove fruit, try to keep sugar elsewhere in your diet low so that you don't get an extreme amount.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I agree with the posts that say "sugar is sugar". If your concern is that your diet is high in sugar then fruits are probably not your best choice for carbs. Fructose will still cause a significant insulin spike when consumed in high amounts (most fruits have high amounts). Fruits do have very good nutrition values and health benefits, but the idea that its sugar its different from other sugar because of this reason makes no sense. A bit extreme, but still good guide to manage your sugar/insulin levels throughout the day:

    Most fruits do not have a high amount of fructose. On average, most fruits have between 5-7grams of fructose per 100 gram serving. There are different types of sugars in fruits as well as other foods.
  • omgadam
    omgadam Posts: 7
    As long as you aren't downing fruit all day I really wouldn't worry about it. Remember there is more to health than the scale number going down (which will happen regardless with a healthy lifestyle). The benefits of fruit and veggies in a diet goes far beyond how much sugar they contain; fruits and veggies are great sources of fiber and an abundance of antioxidants.

    Though most fruit has a decently high % of fructose (but not as much as high fructose things which is 55%) and therefore does not contribute much to hunger satiety, the fiber does. Basically I just don't understand how fruits have become to be perceived as "bad". They are nature's way of keeping you healthy, don't miss out on their benefits just because they contain sugar!
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I was just about to post a WTF thread about Grapes when I spotted this thread :) A few days before payday so the kitchen is bare and decided grapes would be a much better choice for breakfast than the gross poptarts my brother eats and then was dismayed to discover that not only do they have 110cal per cup but 29 carb! (24 of that being sugar). I always just thought that grapes had no real nutritional value.

    So along the lines of this thread, I still want to get fruit in my diet so are there any suggestions for fruits that are less sugarfied? Thanks!
  • I agree that fruit is a natural sugar and fruit comes from the earth so it is good for you and should be eaten through out the day. It is the man made sugar that should be taken out of your diet. Also, like others said, it depends on your body. If you are eating fruit and getting the results that you want, then go ahead, eat it. If you are still having a hard time and are eating healthy and exercising then maybe fruit is something that you should limit to once or twice a day. Another important thing about eating is not just what you eat but WHEN you eat. I eat fruit several times a day. I eat the greatest amount before and after my work out to boost my energy and replace the glycogen in my muscles. Many people big into fitness and nutrition eat fruit. They put it in their protein shakes or add it to whole grain and protein meals. The only people that should completely take it out are those a few weeks out from a fitness show that are doing drastic measures to cut fat and bloating.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    this one time i was hanging out in a pool and it started raining. that was a bummer because i didn't want to get wet.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    All carbohydrates get broken down into glucose, a simple sugar. I JUST ****ED YOUR MIND!
  • omgadam
    omgadam Posts: 7
    All carbohydrates get broken down into glucose, a simple sugar. I JUST ****ED YOUR MIND!

    except cellulose :wink:
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    All carbohydrates get broken down into glucose, a simple sugar. I JUST ****ED YOUR MIND!

    except cellulose :wink:

    Don't you correct me!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    We can argue about fruit sugar vs. table sugar forever. I just wanted to share a picture of Freelee, a woman who has lived on nothing but raw fruit for several years. Looks like she's doing okay to me.


    She's got a before and after video on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6YTn5xGqX8 and a whole website of people living on nothing but fruit at http://www.30bananasaday.com

    100% fruit is not a diet that I could maintain, personally, but I'm also not going to be afraid of eating a few pieces of fruit a day.

    Edit: Okay, not 100% fruit -- more like 97% fruit and 3% green veggies, nuts & seeds. But still. :tongue:
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    I believe fuits have so much sugar because the tree or plant they come from needs animals to eat the fruit in order to spread the seeds inside. Nasty tasting fruit would lead to an extinct plant species.:sad:
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    In my case "sugar is sugar", so I treat fruit like a an after meal sweet. That philosophy works for me, but everyone is different and can have success with their own approach. .
  • Yes, fruits do have alot of sugar and generally that sugar is indistinguishable by your body. However, fruits don't have preservatives like other sugary treats and they have added fiber to keep you full. If you are concerned about too much sugar, try cutting a little out of other areas of your diet (fat-free foods often have added sugar to make them taste better).

    I love fruit and it is a healthy step in the right direction!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Don't worry about it, only thing you need to worry about is refined and added sugar. Fruit is good for you, to act like it's the same as a candy bar is ridiculous.

    I've stopped tracking my sugar for the simple reason that I don't eat candy or drink soda or regular ice cream or anything like that on a regular basis so seeing that red number for sugar because i had 2 pieces of fruit just messes with my mind.

    continue to read labels and be mindful of your sugar intake but don't freak out because you had some fruit and MFP says you've ate too much sugar.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    If you want less kilojoules, I look for the salads I like.

    I have taken to eating baby tomatoes instead of grapes and snap peas and cut carrot sticks in the supermarket.

    It works for me and I am starting to like them more.