

  • I too like most of us here are in happy with our selves or our self image but I beg you to please take it in a planned 2 pounds a week increment. Setting unhealthy goals that are going to be hell to try and obtain on a regular basis will only end up bringing failure to your plan to get healthy. Please remember success…
  • I love a good curry and this one looks great. I've never tried the zero noodles though any other recipes for them? Any reviews of them? Suggestions for them?
  • I have a favorite elliptical machine out here in Greece that when I am at the top of my stride my eyes go above the TV mounted to the top of the machine and I can make eye contact with myself in the mirror. I ALWAYS compete with the person on the machine next to me or with the guy I make eye contact with in the mirror! If…
  • I am in the Navy and fly for a living and am unable to take many of the sleep medications on the market while in a flight status. The most often tried for me is ambien 5mg. I was taking two or three of these a night and still getting no more than 3-4 hours of sleep at a stretch and was unable to go back to sleep once I…
  • Avid cacher right over here! I love to cache and when my job allows, (Navy), I cache in as much of the workd as I can. I started as a way to get me up and off the couch back in Great Lakes, IL and honestly learned to love caching in the snow more so than go bushwhacking out here in the PACNORWEST.