

  • Treatment can be hard but it goes from very mild to severe. Her case is very bad and scary so I'm not going to talk about that- but I do know that the mainstay of treatment is beta-blockers (stops your heart from being able to beat so fast). From what I've read drinking lots of water is important to decrease symptoms.…
  • I dont know you or very much about your story but you may want to look up postural orthostatic tachycardia...My friend has this and they had an aweful time diagnosing it... just in case- and if not its just one more thing to check off that it is not. Congratulations on making the choice to get healthy! Feel free to add me…
  • My first thought was heart shaped :)
  • Add me twins!!! 26yo SW- 212 CW- 203 GW- 140-145 Married- no kids (although I'd love to be "twins" with ppl with kids too :)
  • I'd love to be a support system for you :) I'll add ya!
  • And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith Hebrews 12: 1-2 Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • Moving to Greenville in 3 weeks :) From Wisconsin origionally!! Friend me!
  • I have easily fallen into the trap of "well I ate this crappy thing the day is shot may as well keep binging" or even "screwed up yesterday might as well just give it up". I think its important to take each day - or even minute at a time- and DONT give up. Allow yourself to mess up- and move on!
  • Hey Trish, Congratulations on getting married! What an exciting time!! I was just married in January ;) I am 26 years old and noticed that our stats are about the same - ie- I am 5'6 and 212 lbs. I am hoping to get healthier for having a baby. My goal weight is 145 as it is smack dab in the middle of the healthy bmi for my…
    in Hello! Comment by Lindseyfay21 May 2012