OK so I am really really really trying to get healthy. This year has been a topsy turvy time for me. First off, I am 32 years old, 6 ft tall, and weigh about 293... I have not fluctuated much in weight since my daughter was born and despite trying to lose, have always failed miserably. :( Well this year, around March, I started having some health issues. I began passing out randomly. Literal black outs with no warning. Since March my health issues have gotten worse, not beter, and the passing out has in fact increased. The drs have yet to figure out why and after a mirage of tests and hospital stays, as well as taking me off medicines I was on completely, we are still at a loss. Meds which included anti depressants, insomnia, migraine, and anxiety medications. I do have hydrocephalus and a vp shunt but this has been ruled out as to being a cause of my issues... the search sadly continues. Well despite my fun times, I have graduated with my Bachelors in teaching this past May, and I am about to begin my Masters! Sadly, my health issues have gotten worse and my drs have restricted me from working and driving until we can solve my issue. Ok so rambling.... sorry!!!

After 3 weeks of utter medication withdrawals and depression as to my current circumstances, I decided that maybe if I tick to getting healthy, the issues will take care of themelves. Maybe they wont. But what do I have to lose???? SO my goal is to drop the weight once and for all. Im not making a huge goal, Im not trying to look bikini skinny by summer next year, Im just trying to get healthy once and for all.

SO with that said. I am on day 3 of my dieting, per the standards of what MFP has laid out for me. Ive no clue if Im doing this right or wrong. SO Im hoping and I am looking for friends to hold me accountable ,and encourage me cuz I am and can be very hard on my self, plus Im easy to give up. I dont need that!!! I need to do this!!! All my stuff is public, as far as I know... so i have no problem with anyone telling me how they think Im doing or constructive criticism, tips, w/e so I can make the most of this lifestyle change.

Feel free to add me and help me out all u can!!!! Thanks so much!!!


  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • Lindseyfay21
    I dont know you or very much about your story but you may want to look up postural orthostatic tachycardia...My friend has this and they had an aweful time diagnosing it... just in case- and if not its just one more thing to check off that it is not. Congratulations on making the choice to get healthy! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • tigergirl59
    Once and for all! Me too! I just want to finish my time on this planet healthy and actively enjoying life. I recently read a magazine article of a woman who lost 137 pounds and her big tip was keeping a food journal. She recommended this site. Then a second person recommended it. And so far its sooo much easier than trying to hand write a journal and looking up or figuring out all the calories. This is just my second day!
    I just got a 93 calorie perk because I took a walk of 2300 steps. A pedometer keeps you aware of those days when you know you aren't moving your body and I think lack of activity has been a huge factor in weight gain in the USA. When I was in Australia, very few people were overweight, and hiking and trekking were a normal part of every day activities. They have hiking trails with hostels to stay in, all over the country. An eye opener for an overweight American.
  • Sierrasmommy
    I dont know you or very much about your story but you may want to look up postural orthostatic tachycardia...My friend has this and they had an aweful time diagnosing it... just in case- and if not its just one more thing to check off that it is not. Congratulations on making the choice to get healthy! Feel free to add me if you'd like.

    OMG, I google this and its amazing the similarities in the symptoms to what I go through. I will definitely be related this to my dr, thank you soooo much. May I ask what the treatments were for her?
  • Anappy
    Anappy Posts: 45 Member
    Feel Free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • Lindseyfay21
    I dont know you or very much about your story but you may want to look up postural orthostatic tachycardia...My friend has this and they had an aweful time diagnosing it... just in case- and if not its just one more thing to check off that it is not. Congratulations on making the choice to get healthy! Feel free to add me if you'd like.

    OMG, I google this and its amazing the similarities in the symptoms to what I go through. I will definitely be related this to my dr, thank you soooo much. May I ask what the treatments were for her?

    Treatment can be hard but it goes from very mild to severe. Her case is very bad and scary so I'm not going to talk about that- but I do know that the mainstay of treatment is beta-blockers (stops your heart from being able to beat so fast). From what I've read drinking lots of water is important to decrease symptoms. Alcohol and diets with high carbs are reported to exacerbate it....

    Make sure you ask the doctor to do a tilt table test as this is the diagnostic test for this syndrome.... She ended up going to mayo where they FINALLY did this and she was diagnosed.

    Hope you get your answer! Let me know what happens if you care to :)
  • lamarnnem
    lamarnnem Posts: 189
    Add me as well. Wanting more friends to keep this going. Good luck.